Harry Potter

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*contains slight smut*

"Hermione, truth or dare?" I heard Harry say from beside me. "I'll have to go with truth." She said taking a swig of her butterbeer. "If you could shag anybody in this room, who would you choose?" Harry said smirking as Hermione's jaw dropped open. "Harry! I can't answer that!" She said a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Ah, c'mon Mione' just answer it." Ron said lightly shoving her. "Oh, my gods." She said looking around the room at all her potential choices. Her eyes caught mine and a smirk appeared on her lips. "You never said it had to be a guy." She said moving her gaze to Harry. "I pick y/n." She said smirking at Harry from across the circle. "You sly witch." He said rolling his eyes. A giggle escaped my lips once I had realized what Hermione had just said. "What's so funny y/n?" Ginny said eyeing me. "Oh, nothing just reveling in the fact that the Hermione Granger would shag me." I said the alcohol from the fire whiskey, making itself quite apparent in my slight lisp. "Any day baby." Hermione said leaning over and kissing my cheek making me blush and look to the ground.

"Okay, okay enough Hermione your turn." Ron said rolling his eyes and taking a swig of the god awful concoction in his cup. "Alright Harry, truth or dare?" She said locking eyes on Harry. "I choose truth." He said glaring back. "What a bore." She said rolling her eyes. "Fine, what's you're biggest sexual fantasy." She said after a moment of contemplating. I watched as Harry's jaw dropped open from beside me. "I'm not answering that Hermione." He said in a cold tone. "Fine, then you have a do a dare. And you can't say no to the dare." She said leaning forward slightly. "Yeah yeah whatever what's my dare." Harry said taking a swig of fire whiskey from the bottle we had been sharing. "I dare you to make out with the girl- sorry I'll make it fair, whoever you find the most attractive in the room." She said narrowing her eyes at the brunette boy. Harry smirked and began to speak but she cut him off, "And no you can't do what Dean did last year and make out with a mirror you twat." She said throwing her empty cup at him.

Harry rolled his eyes and began looking around the circle of Gryffindors. I looked down into my lap and picked at a string hanging from my trousers when I felt a warm hand on my knee. I looked up to find a pair of eyes behind round glasses looking hopefully at me. "I choose y/n. Only if that's okay with her that is!" He said looking to Hermione and back to me. "Ye-yes that's fine." I said as I flicked my eyes over to an even redder than normal Ginny who was glaring at me. "Alright, lovebirds we'll start a timer for what 30 seconds ya think?" Hermione said looking around the circle and asking nobody in particular. I felt Harry's hand move from my knee to my hand as he pulled me closer. I shifted myself so I was facing him directly and gave Hermione a glance to signal we were ready.

"Begin!" I heard her say after muttering a charm for a timer. I flicked my eyes between Harry's and glanced down at his lips before slowly moving in. I felt his hand go to the side of my head and pull me closer until our lips touched. It started slow and pretty soft until I instinctively moved my hands into Harry's hair and pulled on accident causing him to open his mouth slightly. I had absolutely no idea what came over me but I lightly pushed my tongue into Harry's mouth and kissed him harder trying to get even closer to him. My breath hitched in my throat as he nibbled on my lower lip. "And time!" I heard Hermione say but Harry kept ahold of my head and bit my lip one last time before reluctantly pulling away. I opened my eyes to see a blushing Harry with even messier hair than usual. We both turned back to the group who immediately burst into applause. "It's about damn time you two got together." Ron said from beside Hermione. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks at his words and felt Harry grab ahold of my hand and glance over at me. Maybe truth or dare wasn't such a bad game.

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