Pansy Parkinson Pt. 1

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(there's going to be some time skips in this so I hope I'm able to write them so you can understand them)

"I am going to be so incredibly late to transfiguration and McGonagall is going to kill me." I thought to myself as I increased my pace passing the great hall. I glanced at my watch as I rounded a corner and immediately was on the ground. I dazedly looked up to see what sort of apparating wall I had just walked into and was met by a pair of brown eyes glaring at me. "Watch where you're fucking going next time aye?" Pansy said as she stepped over my now strewn about parchment. "Unbelievable." I mumbled to myself as I gathered my things. 

Surprisingly McGonagall did not kill me when I walked into class a whopping 10 minutes late, but she did warn me to never do it again as I took my seat. I spent the majority of class in a daze wondering why Pansy seemed to hate me so much. I had never done anything to her. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever even had a conversation with her. She was by far the most intimidating witch I had ever met. When I was first made aware of her I actually thought we could be friends. Obviously, I was dead wrong. I finally heard McGonagall dismiss class and I grabbed my things and headed to find Hermione to see if she wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me for a butterbeer. 

"I just don't get how you can hate someone when you've never even talked to them." I said sipping the orange liquid out of my mug. "Maybe she likes you." Hermione said wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Ha. That's a joke if I've ever heard one. We're not little anymore Hermione. When someone likes you they're not mean to you." I said rolling my eyes. "I'm being serious y/n. It's pretty well known that she broke up with Draco because she realized she liked girls." She said taking a sip of her butterbeer. "Okay, even so, nobody except for you and Cho even knows that I like girls." I said matter of factly. I began again before Hermione could speak. "Plus even if Pansy knew I liked girls, she would never like me in that way. Gods Hermione, she doesn't even like me as an acquaintance let alone a romantic interest. And! I don't even think I see her in that way." I said finishing my butterbeer. "Oh, whatever y/n she's totally your type." Hermione said standing up. "C'mon let's get back it's getting late." She said extending her hand out to me. 

"Maybe you should just try to talk to her." Hermione said breaking the silence we had been sharing. "Yeah sure, hi Pansy, I'm y/n y'know the one you can't stand to even look at most of the time, I think I might have a crush on you, that'll go over real well." I said rolling my eyes. "You never know y/n." She said sighing as we rounded the corner. "Granger, y/l/n." We both heard looking up to see a tall blonde and brunette walking our way. "Why exactly are you two roaming the halls?" He said sneering as they came to a stop in front of us. "Oh suck it Malfoy, we're heading back from Hogsmeade." She said rolling her eyes at him. I momentarily glanced up to see Pansy yet again glaring at me. "If looks could kill, I'd be dead in a second." I thought. "Well as lovely as it is having this little chat we were just heading to the dormitories." Hermione said looping her arm through mine and stepping to the side. We walked about 10 steps away when I faintly heard Pansy's voice. "I told you, it's like she's following me." Pansy said snickering. I rolled my eyes and remained silent the entire way to the Gryffindor common room. 

"I swear to christ, if I keep missing my alarms and being late for class I'm going to get expelled." I thought to myself as I rushed out of my dorm yet again. Although on this lovely morning I was going to be late for Snape's class. He just might actually expel me for being late. I slowly walked into the potions class while Snape had his back turned towards me and I thought I could possibly, just maybe, sneak- "Miss Y/l/n, find an empty seat and do not ever dare to be late to my class again." I heard coming from the tall cloaked man. I turned to look at my regular table to find no empty seats. I continued my search seeing zero empty seats until my eyes fell upon the Slytherin table with an empty seat in between Draco and Pansy. I stopped dead in my tracks when I made eye contact with Pansy. She glanced at the seat next to her and then back at me before smirking. "Miss Y/l/n, finding it hard with all your options." I heard Snape say while gesturing around the room to the obviously singular open seat. "Uh, no sir. My apologies." I said slowly walking towards the table. I felt Pansy's eyes burning into the side of my face as I sat down and took out my book. After a solid five minutes of Pansy staring at me, I finally built up the courage to look at her. "Is there something on my face?" I said making direct eye contact with her. Apparently, my sudden burst was not foreseen by Pansy as she quickly muttered a no and looked down at her books. "Please follow the instructions intricately so we don't have a repeat of Mr. Finnigan's troubles last week." Snape said as the class giggled slightly. I let out a sigh of relief knowing I could go back over to the Gryffindor table to work. "Also, today I'd like you to please stay in your seats and work with the students at your table." Snape said walking to his desk. I don't think my jaw has ever actually dropped open at someone's words before. "Careful y/l/n you'll catch flies." Pansy said tapping my chin. I immediately snapped my mouth shut and looked down at my hands. 

"For fucks sake Pans, is it really that hard to chop a singular leaf?" Draco said getting increasingly annoyed with how long this potion was taking to brew. Pansy shot him a glare as she continued trying to cut the leaf into exactly 6 parts as the directions said. "Can I help you?" I said after watching her rip the leaf yet again. Her head shot up as she huffed. "Y'know what. Why not." She said shoving the leaf and knife towards me. "If you turn the leaf over and follow the veins in it, they'll be exactly six pieces." I said grabbing a new leaf and turning it over and tracing the veins to show Pansy. "How did you know that?" I heard a boy's voice say from behind me. "Research." I said quickly as I handed the leaf back to Pansy. "You read ahead in the book didn't you?" I heard Draco say as I turned towards him. A blush crept up my cheeks as I realized how nerdy that sounded. "I see why you're friends with Granger." He said sarcastically. It took our group about 15 minutes longer than any other table to finish our potion but it was up to Snape's approval so we were dismissed. 

I watched as Pansy put her books in her bag and immediately walked out of the class. Before I could even ponder whether it was a good idea or not I quickly followed her. I saw her turn a corner and continued my pace rounding it as well until I once again slammed into something. I glanced up to see Pansy yet again staring down at me. "It's like fucking deja vu." I said standing up. "What?" She said giving me a confused look. "Muggle thing." I said brushing my robes off. "You're so weird." She said beginning to walk off. "I'm not following you." I said crossing my arms over my chest as she turned on her heels back towards me. "What?" She said copying my actions as she walked towards me. "I said, I'm not following you." I said making eye contact with her. "You mean right now? You're not following me?" She said smirking slightly. "Cause I just so happen to know your next class is in the complete opposite direction." She said taking a step closer to me. "Ye-yes right now I was following you but, the other day in the halls. I heard you tell Draco you thought I was following you." I said tripping over my own words at first. Her smirk faltered for a second before it rose again but even bigger this time. "Eavesdropping y/l/n." She said taking another step forward causing me to take a step back towards the wall. I gulped as she continued taking steps until my back hit the cold stone of the wall. "I-I, n-no not really." I said my words coming out broken and airy as I couldn't seem to form coherent sentences. "What're we gonna do with you." She said cocking her head to the side enjoying how nervous I was. She was getting unbelievably close. Close enough that I could feel her breath fanning across my face. "Do I make you nervous y/n?" She said putting her left hand on the wall beside me and grabbing my tie with the other. I glanced down at her hand gripping my tie before looking back up to her and licking my lips. I watched as her eyes flicked down to my lips and back up again. "It's too bad you're not a Slytherin." She said rolling my tie around in her hands. "Why's that?" I said confused. She leaned in next to my head and whispered. "Because I only fuck Slytherins." She said stepping back and releasing my tie with a wink as she walked away. 

***Okay, I wasn't going to do any stories with multiple parts but this was getting much too long so I had to separate it. I hope everyone is liking these so far and remember requests are open!***

Harry Potter One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora