Theo Knott

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"Mornin' weasel." Theo said as he sat next to me at the Gryffindor table. I watched as Theo rolled his eyes dramatically at the glare Ron was shooting his as he turned to face me. "And good morning to my favorite Gryffindor." He said sarcastically giving me a smirk. "Y'know just because you're y/n's partner for potions class doesn't mean you have to bother her every bloody morning." Ron said shooting Theo rolling his eyes. "I don't think she minds it much. Do ya love?" Theo said placing a hand on my knee under the table. "Technically you're not allowed to sit at this table." I said smirking at the boy in front of me. I watched as Theo's smirk faltered for a split second before it appeared again. "You Gryffindors, never up for any rule breaking." He said with a wink as he squeezed my knee and stood up and walked to his table. "Seriously what is the blokes problem? He has no right coming here every bloody morning." Ron said with a huff. "I think he's just being friendly Ron." I said smiling lightly.

What Ron didn't know is Theo was very clear when the term started and we were assigned partners that he had much more than friends in mind. Somehow, we had kept our little secret under wraps and almost half the term had gone by. Theo had recently began testing the waters of just how much he could be around without any questions being asked and by god was he getting close to Ron's breaking point.

"Good morning Ron, y/n." Hermione said with a smile as she sat down with Harry. "Morning." I said giving her a smile back as my eyes caught Theo from behind her staring in my direction. "What do you guys think of Theodore Knott?" Ron said quite abruptly looking to Harry and Hermione causing my eyes to shoot to the redhead in front of me. "Well, I don't know him personally but he seems rather nice." Hermione said giving Ron a weird look at his sudden outburst. "I think he's a git. And to top it off I think he has a crush on y/n." He said pointing at me from across the table. My cheeks suddenly flushed slightly thinking our cover could have possibly been blown. "That's absolute rubbish Ron." Harry said piping in as he sipped his juice. "We all know y/n would never date a Slytherin." Harry said shooting me a smile. Thank god they were somehow still oblivious.

I watched as Theo rose from his spot and began walking out of the great hall glancing back at me before he slipped into the corridor. I waited a few moments before speaking up. "You know what I forgot to bring a book back to the library." I said standing up and grabbing a random book from my bag. "I'll see you guys later." I said briefly with a quick smile as I walked away.

"Where on earth did this boy go?" I thought to myself as I rounded yet another corner trying to find Theo. I walked a few more steps before I shrieked as I was suddenly grabbed and pulled into an empty class room. I spun around to see a smirking Theo a few steps away from me. I lunged towards him and hit him with my bag. "What in the actual fuck Theo?" I said slightly raising my voice hitting him again. "Ouch! Okay, enough!" He said laughing grabbing my bag from me. Throwing it onto a desk next to him. "Merlin woman, do you have a solid gold brick in that bag?" He said rubbing his arm where I had hit him. "That's what you get for scaring the living daylights out of me." I said sarcastically. "Also, we have a prob-." I started as I heard the door open behind me. "Draco?" I said quickly as the blonde walked in the room. "Me and Theo were just discussing our next project for Professor Snape's class." I said clearing my throat and nodding towards the boy behind me. "She really is a bad liar huh?" Draco said laughing slightly. My eyebrows knitted together as I glanced at Theo. "He knows y/n." Theo said as Draco leaned against the desk next to him.

"Oh for Merlin's sake." I said rubbing my temples with my hand. "How long?" I said with my eyes still closed. "I caught on about a month into term." Draco said flicking his eyes between me and Theo. My eyes shot up towards Theo. "You mean to tell me we've been going through all the extra work of sneaking around and Malfoy knew?" I said glaring at the brunette. One side of his mouth quirked up a bit as he nodded. "Unbelievable." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"So you're just fine with this?" I said gesturing my hand between me and Theo looking at Draco after a moment of silence. "At first I wasn't but Theo boy over here talked you up quite a bit." He said throwing his arm over his friends shoulder. I watched as a blush crept up Theo's cheeks slightly. "We'll that's great that you agree with it. Now, what I was trying to say when I was rudely interrupted was we have a problem." I said shooting a glare at Draco. "Problem?" Theo said raising his eyebrows at me. "You're little test to see how far you can take things has officially been compromised. Ron's starting to catch on." I said in a serious tone. "The weasel is the one who figured it out? I thought it would've been Granger." Theo said laughing slightly. "Why are you laughing!" I said getting a bit annoyed at how nonchalant Theo was being. "It was kind of inevitable that they would find out love." He said rising from the desk and grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. "I know you're worried about how they'll react but fuck 'em. It's your life." He said pushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "They just hate you guys." I said resting my forehead on Theo's chest feeling the warmth radiating from beneath his robes. "Fuck 'em." I heard Draco say standing up. "If they're anything like me, they'll have a hard time with it for a bit and then they'll realize that you're happy and they'll learn to live with it." He said crossing his arms across his chest. "You're right." I said sighing and looking up towards the ceiling for a moment.

"Fine, I'll tell them." I said finally looking Theo in the eye. "But I might be banned from the Gryffindor table for a few days so expect to be having breakfast with me." I said sarcastically looking to Draco. "I think I can handle that as long as you keep the snogging to a minimum." Draco said rolling his eyes. "Well I should go, I told Hermione I was going to the library and knowing her she's heading there to find me." I said taking a step away from Theo and grabbing my bag. "It'll be fine." Theo said wrapping me in his arms and kissing the top of my head. "I know, I know." I said sighing as he released me. "Ewe" Draco said shoving us lightly as he walked towards the door.

Theo and I walked behind Draco as he opened it and took a step into the corridor when we heard a voice from behind us. "Y/n?" The female voice said as the three of us turned around to find a very confused looking Hermione staring back at us. "Bloody hell." I said looking between the two boys beside me.

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