[ Chap3: I wanted Freedom, but I'm not Greedy. ]

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Ichiro was in the nurse's office, he was surprised to see his cousin Law in there.

"Why are you hear Traffic?"

"I told you not to call me that. The highschool nurse was sick so I'm here temporarily. I still have classes."

"I see." Ichiro looked down while Law treated him. "Care to tell me why you're like this?" Asked Law.

"I.. I just tripped and a bucket of cola fell on me."



"There we go."

"Don't do anything to her."

"You still care about her? Even if you hate her so much you could die?" Ichiro nodded. His fists were curled, his knuckles turning white. He hated Riko so much he'd kill himself, but he didn't want her to get in any trouble because of him. It'd make things worse.

"Come on, go wash your hair in the sink." Said Law worried for Ichiro, throwing a small towel to Ichiro as he did what he was told. He washed his hair as he looked at himself in the mirror.

— Flashback

"Why aren't you letting us help you, Ichiro-ya?!" Yelled Law, constantly worried for his younger cousin.

"I don't want help! I don't need it! Since when did I ever asked for it?!" Yelled back Ichiro, he had tears in his eyes.

"If you could open up to us then you wouldn't need to suffer anymore!" Yelled back Law.

"I don't care!"

"I too want freedom.. but I'm not greedy for it! I'll never be!"

"Who said you need to be greedy to ask help?!"

"We're all greedy! But no. I don't wanna be greedy! Not like him, never!"

"I didn't ask for help Law.. SO WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME ASK FOR IT?!"

— Flashback End

He ruffled his hair with the towel he got. He's remembering things he didn't want to.

"I know you'll get help one day Ichiro-ya.. whether you like it or not you need help. You don't need to be greedy for it." Mumbled Law as Ichiro heard it, returning the towel since his hair was a little dry now, just a little bit of waterdrops from his bangs.

"Let's not talk about that Law. See ya, thanks for the treatment. I owe you one."

"You don't need to owe me anything."

He went to the cafeteria, sitting down on a large table for no reason, he grabbed a small box of caramel as he started eating it.

He didn't see a raven-haired boy with a scar underneath his left eye sit on the table with him, he was focused on looking down at the table.

"Yo Ichiro!" Said Luffy chuckling as Ichiro flinched.

[ S/L what do you want Luffy? ]

"Awe! I thought you'd call me 'Luf!!'

[ S/L not in the mood to. ]

"Sheesh whats got you grumpy today? You do know this is where me and my friends sit at."

[ S/L that so? Then I'll Leave. ]

Just as he was about to leave Luffy grabbed his arm.

"No! Sit with us!"

Ichiro flinched at the sudden voice raise as he sat back down. "Yay!" Luffy was happy as Zoro sat with Luffy along with an unfamiliar face that had a swirly eyebrow.

"Yo Ichiro."

Ichiro felt at ease.

"Zoro!" he spoke suddenly as he covered his mouth, he spoke accidentally as Luffy stared at Ichiro.

"So you can speak?! Your voice sounds so cool!" Said Luffy amazed.

'He probably feels bad you have such an excuse for a voice.'

'Shut up.'

He kept eating his caramel.

The rest of Luffy And Zoro's friends sat down with the. As Ichiro grew nervous, he wasnt used to being with many people while not taking his anxiety pills.

Two unfamiliar faces sat down with him.

"Ah, Sabo, Ace!" Said Luffy smiling.

"Did Luffy steal any food while we were gone?" Said the blonde-boy. "Luckily no." Said Zoro boredly.

"That's good. And I see a familiar face here." Said the blonde-boy smiling as Ichiro recognized the boy.

"I'm Sabo, you bumped onto me a few days ago in the morning." Said Sabo smiling at Ichiro.

Ichiro nodded.

"O! You're the weird kid from class today!" said a certain freckled boy.

'Lmao, he called you weird.'

'Shut up.'

Ichiro nodded.

"You're weird aren't ya? My names Ace!" Said the freckled boy as the snow-haired boy nodded eating his caramel.

"Ya sure that can keep you full? You can share my lunch!" Said Ace smiling as girls were boring daggers into Ichiro.

[ S/L no thanks, I'm okay with my caramel. ]

"Translation Luffy?"

"He said 'No thanks, I'm okay with my caramel'."

"If ya sure then okay.."

Ichiro finished quickly as he walked, then ran out of their sight.

"What a weirdo.." said Ace as Sabo chuckled.

Ichiro ran to the university building since his classes were 1:30 P.M and it was 12:20 P.M right now.

He was panting as he saw his sister.

"Maki!!" Yelled Ichiro as Maki turned around.

"Ichiro! What're you doing here?" Asked Maki as Ichiro was still panting.

"I.. I got surrounded by weirdos!" Said Ichiro with anime tears. ".. then wanna hang out here for a bit? IFN (Itadori,Fushiguro,Nobara) trio is also here." Said Maki concerned as Ichiro lit up his face asking where they are as Maki chuckled.

"They're outside on the benches of a hill closeby. Go there before they go to training."

Ichiro immediately ran out of the building seeing the trio.

"Yoo!! Ita!! Fishi!! Nobara-chan!!" Yelled Ichiro running to them as Nobara and Itadori laughed. Fushiguro growing a tick on his forehead.

"I told you not to call me that.. Ichiro.." said Fushiguro irritated as Ichiro laughed, panting.

"Gomen gomen Fushi~ anyways, is paintbrush on break?"

"Now who are you calling a paintbrush?" Said a familiar voice to Ichiro as he turned around sweating.

"Uh.. S-Satoru-san.."

"Geez Fuyu-kun!! I told you not to call me paintbrush!!" Said Satoru puffing his cheeks.

"Just for that I'm adding extra training for you!!"

"Please God No!"

uhm yeah rip Ichiro HAHAHAHA

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