Chapter 1 - Chaotic Feelings.

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Nene walked through the doors of her school, looking around for her friends. Oh! There they are. She thought as she saw Pico and Darnell's iconic haircuts.

Pico was leaned against his locker with both Darnell and a unfamiliar boy. "Who's ya new friend Pico?" She said as she walked towards them. "Oh him? This is my boyfriend, well boyfriend. We just called him BF for short."

She paused, then turned to look at the blue-haired kid. "Your name is actually Boyfriend? That's dope." She said, smiling her usual smile. "T-thanks." He stuttered nervously. "Awh, no problem."

She joined Pico and Darnell in leaning against the lockers. "Oh yeah. Nene you owe me five bucks." Darnell said, looking over Pico. "What? Why-?" She said, puzzled. "Well, because we both made a bet. You said Pico was probably into girls and I said he was deffo into guys so then I said, I bet five dollars he's gay and you were like, o k a y . "

He said, sounding like he didn't have a care in the world. "Ugh, fine." She said, then reached into her skirt pocket and pulled out a five dollar bill. "That was my snack money ya know." She said casually. "Don't care." He replied.

She huffed then turned to Pico, her facial expression clearly saying, "make him give me my money back." He just shook his head and turned to BF. Classic Carrot.

Then the bell rang. "Ugh, I have math." She said. "Same." Pico and Darnell said in unison. "Eh, at least we'll be together." Pico said. "Yeah, your right."


"Oh, we're all in the same class I guess." Cyclops said. "Mhm, okay." She replied. Her attention was on Nene, the most popular girl in school. Also the girl Cassandra had a crush on.

"Cass? You there?" She snapped back into reality as Hanzou was about to poke her face again. "Oh, you're back. How was your trip?" He laughed. She just shrugged and walked towards the classroom, zoning off.

She walked in and sat in her usual spot, next to Hanzou. Hanzou was talking to his two other friends. Cassandra didn't mind them, they were actually kind of cool. Smartasses, but cool.

Cyclops and Alucard sat next to her. Cyclops flirting with Alucard and him blushing like crazy. She looked to the front of the classroom, looking for Nene and her group of snotty friends.

Ah, there she is. She thought, noticing her hot pink headband. She started daydreaming, her boring class slowly turning into her and Nene at the new restaurant down town.

                   (434 Words)

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry it was short, I'm writing this in class so- anyways expect a chapter every week. But if there's not I'll tell you why. Anyways bye!

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