Chapter 1

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( Author's Pov )

Having her back pack over her shoulder she walked to the library which is 4 blocks away from her University. She loved spending time in library. She like the silence and peace in that library. She is kinda cold and introverted person, she even don't talk much with others and literally have no friends. She don't make any efforts to start a conversation and so do others. She is that silent kid that sits on the last bench near the window. Nobody asked her out for dates and she is actually happy about that. Less people, Less chaos. Entering the library she walked to the astronomy aisle to find a book about astronomy.
The stars and celestial bodies never failed to fascinate her. She found this vast study interesting. She found an olive green book at the top shelf with the title " optical astronomy ". She decided to give it a read but it was on the top shelf. Standing on her toes she strained herself to reach out for the book but she failed. She found a stool in the nearby aisle and walked over to pick it. Carrying the wooden stool in her hand she turned back only to see a guy picking the same book. She stomped towards the guy and grabbed the book from his hands which made him look at her.

Time slowed down when his eyes met hers. His eyes were so beautiful mixture of black and brown. Those beautiful pair of orbs looked so pure and innocent. She lost track of time while staring at his mesmerizing eyes. Neither of you spoke a word for a few seconds. But it was her who broke the silence first.

( Rihanna's Pov)

Rihanna :- I-I took t-that book... I s-saw it first

I said pointing at the book which was secured in his hands. He looked at the book and then back at me. A warm smile spread on his perfect lips making my heart flutter. He extended the book towards me, gesturing me to take it. I was still staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. My gaze switched to the book in his hands and I got it awkwardly from him.

Rihanna :- Umm... Yeah.. T-Thank you.. Mr.. ??

I trailed off expecting him to say his name but he flashed another beautiful smile and walked back to the astronomy aisle.

Rihanna :- I think he took the librarian saying " Maintain silence " too seriously.

I mumbled to myself looking at him trying to pick a book to read. I suddenly started to feel guilty for getting the book from him. I wouldn't have felt this way if he didn't act like a gentleman minutes ago. I might have seen the book but it was him who picked it first. I scolded myself and walked towards him.

( Author's Pov )

This was the first time in history that she was willingly going to someone to start a conversation.

( Rihanna's Pov )

I approached him and he turned to look at me. And that smile.. that smile appeared again. He looked like an innocent 5 years old when he smiled that way. He looked pure and ethereal when he smiled and that precious smile made me feel warm.

Rihanna :- Y-you can have this b-book... I-I'm sorry for ear-

Before I could continue further he shook his head and it looked like he was saying " no.. it's okay ". He didn't open his mouth but I somehow was able to understand what he thought.

Rihanna :- I feel like I acted immature... You can have this..

I said in a soft voice which made him shake his head more. And this was making me a bit uncomfortable because he didn't even utter a word.

Rihanna :- You can talk in here... It's not like it's something illegal

I said that with a slight chuckle to make it not sound rude but his face fell, like he became upset with something all of a sudden. I observed him, his eyebrows crunched and an almost invisible pout was on his mouth. He looked at me and shock his head as a no while looking at the ground with sad eyes.

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