Chapter 3

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( Rihanna's Pov )

Reaching the doorstep I opened the door only to see my brother sitting on the couch.

Rayan :- Welcome home sweetie..

My brother welcomed sweetly and I smiled sweetly.

Rayan :- Is that your friend sweetie ?

Rihanna :- Yes.. We are going to see the constellation tonight..

Rayan :- That's great sweetheart.. I have left the dinner in the refrigerator eat it after heating it up.. Okay? I'll have to reach the hospital in an hour. So, I'll be leaving you guys alone now. Byee enjoy..

My brother said to me as he kissed my forehead and left .

Rihanna :- Bye.. Take Care.. Drive Safely..

I took chetan to my room.

( Author's Pov )

Chetan looked around observing the room. Rihanna's room didn't have any bright colours. Just some furniture and shades of brown everywhere and the huge windows looked fascinating to him.

( Rihanna's Pov )

I was observing chetan observing my room. Suddenly he turned towards me and said

Chetan :- *in sign language* It's pretty

Rihanna :- Let's go to the library... there's nothing in my room...

He nodded and followed me to the library room. He was surprised by the number of books there.

Rihanna :- Me and my brother share this room.. he has his books and sometimes even patients record files here... only those shelves over there belong to me...

I said as I pointed to the shelf in the right hand side. Chetan smiled and walked around. I took some books which I thought he might love. I saw Chetan standing near the table with something in his hands. Walking over to him I found him staring at a snow globe.

Rihanna :- The glitters in this snow globe glows in the dark...

Chetan raised his eyebrows looking surprised. It looked like he wanted to say " really? " and I nodded.

Rihanna :- Come here

I took him near a couch and take a blanket which my brother uses whenever he sleeps here. I squatted down, pulled his hand and made him crouch down beside you. I covered both of us with that blanket and darkness took over. The glitters in the snow globe glowed as they floated elegantly in the liquid. Chetan giggled looking at that as I did the same. I looked at Chetan smiling hugely. I was able to see his face with the help of the little amount of light passing through the blanket and there went my heart making flips and somersaults like a pro gymnast. Chetan's face was inches away from mine and this wasn't helping either.

Rihanna :- You look like a bunny when you smile...

I said with with my voice which was almost like a whisper. Chetan's free hand moved and caught my cheek and his thumb carressed it slowly. I did nothing but stare into his eyes, mesmerized

( Author's Pov )

Hmm.. The atmosphere is so good right ? Oppsie, sorry for interrupting you guys can continue.

( Rihanna's Pov )

An unknown feeling that rushed through me at times when Chetan was around, arose now, but it was stronger. I closed my eyes and leaned forward without any hesitation, Chetan did the same. I shivered a bit when his lips touched mine. There goes my first kiss.

( Author's Pov )

They both were super red after pulling away. It was not easy for an introvert to talk as if nothing happened after kissing. Rihanna didn't know if Chetan felt the same way or not.

Rihanna :- I.... I - I.... actually-

( Rihanna's Pov )

*In my mind* Ahh !! Rihanna what did you messed up everything. Bruhh !! Will he slap ? What if he don't like me and now want to break this friendship with me?? I am such an idiot..why did I kiss him?? Why wasn't I able to control my feelings?? Fuck fuck fuck... Chetan stopped me by holding my hands. I nervously looked at him.

Chetan :- *in sign language* I like you... I wanted to say this to you long ago... will you be my girlfriend ?

He looked at him me expectantly. A wave of emotions hit me making tears roll down my cheeks. There was no words needed. His eyes told a way more things that words could ever.

Rihanna :- OMG... Yes... Yes... Yes... a thousand yes..

I said while hugging him tightly. Later both of us watched the stars and Chetan left home.

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