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Damian Prov.

I can't stand living like this; I can't stand living with her. I hate being married to Stella, she only wants to be front page news for the public and she has dragged me to interviews and photo shoots.

Raven wouldn't do that to me, I missed her, the only reason I married Stella is because my father was going through money problems and Stella's father said he would help us, but I had to date her.

I miss my beloved Raven, she is my one true love, I was sad we are both with different people but I'm happy I will see her again during the wedding.

I heard she married Malchior Morag, he's a reporter for Gotham Times and has no criminal record, I hacked into his personal information just to make sure what type of guy his is, I was not going to let a moron date Raven. Even though we're not together anymore I still watch over her over security cameras around the world.

Jason kept contact with James since they have a lot in common, they didn't want to give up their friendship.

He and his fiancé Davina are getting married soon and we were invited to the ceremony, but the bad part is that Stella also decided to come even though she wasn't invited.

My sisters told me that they would keep an eye on her, so she won't cause and trouble.

She knew that I was dating Raven and yet she still asked me to date her as payback. I was so happy when my brothers gave me a drug to give her on our wedding night, I didn't want to sleep with her, but the drug made her dream that we were.

Every day since I married her my father has apologized for the sacrifice, I had to make but I just ignored him. 

And I didn't want to except his apology because there were millions of other ways to solve our money problems and he chose this way to fix it.

"DAMII", Yelled an arrogant voice that belonged to Stella.

"What is it, Stella? I'm working". I said in a clam voice.

"Which dress should I wear to the wedding?", she asked while holding up two long dresses. One of them was white with lace and gems and the other was red with a deep V-neck and a slit on the side (she had nothing to show anyway).

"Wear a simple one, not one that stands out", I replied. I didn't want people staring at us during the ceremony.

"Fine, I'll wear the pink one", she said annoyed.


Raven Prov.

(Dinner Time with the Roths)

"How was everyone's day today?", asked my father.

"Good", everyone said in unison except for me.

"Raven, luv, what's wrong?", asked my grandfather Lucifer.

"Nothing grandfather, I'm just tired", I replied.

"Modeling and designing must really be hard on you", said Jacob.

"Yea", I said with a loud sigh, but I could feel Malchior glaring at me. He has a bad relationship with my father and grandfather, so he tries to make sure I don't tattle.

"Anyway, let's talk about something more fun, like my wedding", said James.

"OUR wedding", corrected Davina

"Yes, dear, OUR wedding " he said with a grin

Truth be told James was more excited about the wedding than Davina, I mean she was, but James was acting a girl about it.

"Hun, wedding planning is over, everything is ready", Davina told him.

"We still need the guests list dear", he said with a smug correcting her.

Oh god this is going to be a long day.

To be continued............

Love you all, until the next chapter❤️❤️

If u want a shoutout just say the word😘❤️

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