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Narrator Prov.

The wedding ceremony was about to start and Raven along with her sisters-in-law's were Davina's bridesmaids and her brothers were James groomsman, Malchior wanted to walk down the aisle with Raven but James didn't like him either, in fact no one liked him.

The Waynes were sitting on the grooms side of the aisle, the music began and one by one the bridesmaids came down, and the moment Raven started walking down with Jacob Damien's heart stopped for a second when he saw her. 

She was wearing a light nude color that had a v-cut and ended all the way to her ankles. He swore he was looking at a goddess that emerged from Heaven. 

Through the entire ceremony Damien had his eye's on Raven, which Malchior noticed and didn't like. When James and Davina kissed Raven smiled brightly and clapped with the rest of the crowed while Damien was daydreaming of him and Raven getting married.

In the after-party Raven and Damien were practically admiring each other for everyone to see. Both Stella and Malchior noticed them grabbed their chins by force just to kiss them. They were both disgusted by this and walked away.

It was time for the waltz in which everyone danced around the bride and groom, and both Raven and Damien participated including their spouses. They twisted and turned until its was both of them dancing with each other.

"Um, hi Ra-Raven", Damien stuttered because her was distracted by Raven's appearance.

"Hi Damian, how have you been", asked Raven. Damien had a blush on his face because he just remembered that his arms were wrapped around Raven's waist.

"I've been ok, y-you look amazing by the way", said Damien still shocked by this moment.

"Thank you", replied Raven, they both were blushing and their faces were coming close together until they were ripped from each others arms by Malchior and Stella both glaring at them.

Malchior had a strong grip around Raven's arm "Mal, my arm, your squeezing it to tight" Raven said worried to what this situation might lead to.

"Keep away from my man slut", Stella was practically in Raven's face but then pulled away from her by Steph and Cass who dragged her away. 

Malchior pulled Raven forcibly inside the house and into their room, "WTF WAS THAT RAVEN, ARE YOU CHEATING BEHIND MY BACK", yelled Malchior.

"N-no, I'm not I swear this is all just a misunderstanding " Raven said, scared for her life.

"You stupid bitch, (slap) after everything I've done for you, you do this to me". Malchior was furious and started slapping Raven then pushed her on the bed and started kissing her.

"Malchior please, please don't" Raven was begging him to stop but he wouldn't until someone broke the door down.

To be Continued......

Hope you like this chapter, until the next one my lovelies.

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