chapter 24:Perplexing Memories

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Amara pov

I nervously glance around, my eyes darting from one corner to another as I find myself standing alone in the dimly lit hallway. How did I end up here? It's all because of my insatiable curiosity. "Well, damn! They say curiosity killed the cat, and here I am, a living example."

Under my breath, I mutter and curse, frustration evident in my voice. I desperately scan the surroundings, searching for any sign of an exit. At this point, it's clear that I am completely lost. What other unfortunate events could possibly unfold?

"How on earth did I even get myself into this mess?" I tug at my hair, feeling the weight of confusion and amnesia pressing down on me. Not being able to recall a single thing is driving me crazy.

Since the realization that I have somehow ended up inside this eerie, abandoned mansion, this question has been haunting my every thought.

A piercing screech pierces the silence, causing my heart to race within my chest. I gulp, a lump forming in my throat, as I wipe the sweat off my brow. The unsettling sound resonates, adding to the growing sense of unease.

"Maybe it's just a harmless mouse, right? Yeah, that's it—a mouse. Who else would be lurking in this forsaken place?" I force a laugh, desperately trying to mask the creeping fear that threatens to overpower me.

Taking cautious steps, I choose to head towards the right, moving away from the direction the sound originated from. I've learned from countless movies that one should never approach mysterious noises. Self-congratulation fills my mind for making what seems like a sensible decision. But my elation is short-lived.

As I turn around, my eyes fixate on a closed wooden door with a small glass window at the top. Confusion etches across my face as I furrow my brow, contemplating my next move. I inch closer, stopping just a few inches away from the door. Slowly, I extend my trembling hand, reaching for the cold doorknob. And then, it happens.

A sudden, desperate banging against the door startles me, causing a high-pitched scream to escape my lips. Startled and disoriented, I stumble backward, losing my balance and landing unceremoniously on my buttocks.

My attention remains fixated on the figure behind the door—an anguished soul pleading for help through her relentless pounding and frantic screams. I'm in a daze, trying to process the situation unfolding before me, when realization strikes like a bolt of lightning.

Her lips are moving, attempting to convey a message. The words reach my ears, a desperate plea echoing in my mind: "Run, run away!"

Driven by a surge of adrenaline, I quickly rise to my feet, tripping over myself in the process, and dash toward the door. Determination fuels my actions as I pour every ounce of strength into trying to open the door and come to the woman's aid.

However, my efforts prove futile. Panic intensifies as I stare at the immovable obstacle before me. I glance up, meeting the eyes of the woman, still frantically repeating her plea. But my ears are ringing, drowning out her words. Frustration boils within me as I kick and push against the door, desperate for it to yield, yet it remains stubbornly jammed.


With a mix of fear and urgency, I abandon my futile attempts and sprint through the hallway, my sole focus finding an escape route and seeking help from anyone I can find.

jungkook pov

I rushed towards the direction of Amara's scream, my legs carrying me as fast as they could. Abruptly coming to a stop, I took in my surroundings. A sinking feeling gripped my heart, my breath becoming rapid as I stared intensely at the daunting house—my personal chamber of disaster.

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