chapter 41 The Weight of the Evidence

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Jungkook pov :

I walked back into the room after receiving a call from my secretary, informing me about a problem with the contract papers. Confusion creased my forehead as I scanned the room and realized Amara weren't there with the others.

"Where is Amara?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. Jisoo was quick to respond.

"Amara and Jennie went to the washroom," Jisoo replied.

I nodded, but a sense of unease washed over me. I had specifically told her not to leave my side, but at least Jennie was accompanying her.

A few minutes later, Jennie rushed towards us, urgency lacing her voice.

"Jin, dad has been calling you for an hour. Why didn't you answer his call?" she exclaimed, thrusting the phone into Jin's hand.

But my senses heightened, and a wave of alertness washed over me as I scanned the room and realized that Amara  were nowhere in sight.

"Jennie, where is Amara?" I demanded, my heart pounding against my chest like a wild drumbeat.

"She's still in the washroom--" Jennie began to explain, but my voice turned low and growled. "Show me the way, right now."

Sensing the urgency and distress in my tone, the rest of the group followed me, their expressions mirroring concern and apprehension.

As we reached the washroom, the sight of the wide-open door sent a surge of apprehension through our veins. But she  was not there. Tremors coursed through my body, a mix of fear and determination gripping me tightly.

"Shit," I uttered, my words almost a hiss, as my muscles tensed, jaw clenched, and my gaze landed on a glimmering black necklace on the floor. It was the very necklace I had given her in the car. A dark storm brewed within my eyes, a tempest of anger and protectiveness.

A primal instinct surged through me, compelling me to take action against whoever had taken her. The intensity in my eyes held a promise of retribution, as my body coiled with raw energy, ready to unleash its power.

My mind was a jumbled mess, unable to grasp the full extent of the situation. Amara had vanished without a trace for the past agonizing ten minutes. The frustration inside me swelled to dangerous levels, igniting an urge to unleash my fury upon everyone in that room. Each time I caught someone stealing a glance at me, their eyes reflected fear, serving as a silent testament to the storm brewing within.

But my singular focus was on finding her. She consumed my every thought, my every breath. We had searched every corner and explored every possible place, leaving nothing unchecked, yet she evaded us like a ghost.

" for God's sake, at least retrieve the CCTV footage!" I couldn't contain my exasperation any longer. The collective flinch that rippled through the room was a stark reminder of their incompetence. They couldn't even manage such a simple task.

Jin respond, "Jungkook, this is a private party. Cameras are not allowed."

My glare intensified, laser-focused on Jin. "Then, what do you have here for me to find her? I don't even know who took her, dammit!"

In the midst of my frustration, Lisa rushed towards us, her phone's display thrust in front of me.

"I have the back door footage. It was still recording due to security issues."

Rage tainted my vision, a crimson filter clouding my sight as I witnessed the sight of him callously dragging Amara's limp form. She lay unconscious, her body hanging lifelessly over that contemptible man's shoulder.

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