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Freddie's pov

I was in the iCarly studio,reading the comments of the last webshow.

Icarlyfan: this is great!!

Mary: I luv you guyssss

Creddieship: I noticed that Carly and Freddie are always

Seddieeeee: stfu!!!!! Sam and Freddie are cuter than Creddie            

Creddieship: oh yeah? Why don't we ask Freddie?

Seddieeeee: ok!! Freddie,do you like Sam or Carly?

I stopped reading.I didn't even noticed that my cheeks were burning.Then I typed the answer

Freddie Benson✔︎: you guys.I've been thinking about the 
                                answer of that question for a month.But
                               finally,here's my answer: I think I like Sam

My phone started ringing.It was my mom

"What mom?" I asked

"Come home!! You have to do the check bath!!"

"Mom,I'm 14 why are you-"


Well I guess I gotta go

Sam's pov

Me and Carly were going to the iCarly studio to watch some videos that our fans send.

"Sam we gotta pick a video for the next show"

"Oh,yea!! Where's Freddie's computer?"

I turned around and I saw it

"Oh,It's over there!"

"I got it" Carly went to grab the computer,but she widened her eyes as she saw it

"What's wrong Carls?"

"I-I think you s-should see this" she said,still shocked

I got up

"What's going on-omg"

Apparently Freddie was replying to the comments

Freddie Benson✔︎: you guys.I've been thinking about the
                                  answer of that question for a month.But
                                 finally,here's my answer: I think I like Sam

Should I make a sequel to this?

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