iBust a thief missing moment

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Nobody's pov

"And we're clear"

The iCarly trio had just finished another show.They were all talking over each other but Sam shushed therm

"Uh,hey...where's my laptop?" she asked

Sam's pov

"I dunno" Carly said

"Did you sell it,and use the money to buy meat?" Freddie joked

"I'm not kidding around,my laptop's gone!" I replied, "Man this is jank!"

"Calm down" Carly said

"I can't! That laptop's the only nice thing I got! It was a Bat Mitzvah gift from my grandmother!" I panicked

"You're not even Jewish" Freddie was confused

Then,out of nowhere,I grabbed him by the collar

It was pretty awkward being this close to him again.The last time I was this close to his nubbish but cute face was that night before we broke up

"You tell my grandma that and I'll break you" I threatened him

Yet I was getting lost into his eyes.His amazing brown eyes.I just couldn't look away.This moment reminded me of that night at school.I kissed him,and a few days later he kissed me again,and we started dating.To be honest,they were the best days of my life.I alway thought about dating the nub,but I thought It would be boring.But it wasn't.He was so sweet and he loved me for who I am.He was...different from other guys I've ever dated.But different in a good way.

I didn't even realize that his lips were 2 inches away from mine.And before I could let go of him,he grabbed my waist and closed the gap between us.

His lips didn't change a bit in the last 2 years.They were still soft as a muffin yet strong as he kissed me back.

And then we pulled away,and I could feel my face flushing

"I'm so sorry Sam,I-I shouldn't have done that" he said,covering his head with his hands,probably expecting me to hit him

I shook my head

"Dont be.I kissed you back soo...It wasn't just your fault. Just...let's never talk about it again,ok?" I asked

He quickly nodded

"But...just to let you know...you still are a great kisser" I said,smirking

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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