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Nobody's pov

"Why don't you shut up?"

"You're such a nub!"

"Then you're a demon!"



The blonde and the brunette were arguing.

Their best friend Carly was sitting on the couch,watching Girly Cow.It was like she wasn't hearing them yelling at each other

They were arguing because at school Sam opened Freddie's locker and ate all his lunch

"Why don't you stop being so rude to everyone? Nobody likes you! And you could've eat your own lunch,it's not like you're poor and can't buy a sandwich"

At those words,Carly's eyes moved from the TV to Sam.She was in the verge of crying

Freddie was expecting Sam to insult him,saying that he's a nub or something,but that didn't happened

She looked down,as some tears fell on the floor

"Wait,Sam,I didn't-"

"Save it,idiot"

And she stormed out of the apartment

He stood there,shocked

"Well what are you doing here? Go apologize right now!" Carly exclaimed

"You think she's gonna forgive me?"

"We'll see.Now go"

After checking her house he checked the last place where he was expecting her to be: the fire escape

He was shocked when he saw that she was there

"You know,I think he's right.Nobody really likes me" he heard her saying,looking at the stars

Was she thinking out loud?

"I miss you dad.Life is just getting harder and harder without you.I miss you so much" she said,tearing up

Freddie knocked at the window

"What do you want" she said,clearly annoyed

"To apologize" he simply said

"Whatever.You still think what you said,I just know it.And you're right" she stated

"Sam,that's not true.I didn't mean all those things I said to you. Sam,you're an amazing person who deserves the whole world. Sure,you may be aggressive but I don't really hate you,and you know that"

She still didn't believed him

"We're on the fire escape.Our special place since,you know,a few months ago we shared our first-"

"No need to say that,Benson" she interrupted him

"Anyway,let's make a bet"

"A bet?" Sam repeated

"What happens on the fire escape,stays on the fire escape"

"Whatever" she said


He said,before leaning in and kissing her.She was shocked,but kissed him back

"What was that Benson?" She asked,after pulling away

"Shh,remember the bet.What happens here stays here.So don't tell anyone what just happened" he said

"Fine.But now let's go,Mama wants Freddork to buy a smoothie for her" she smirked

"Mama will have whatever she wants"

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