The Little ChitChat 6

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                                                             Flash back and a little Gucci Gucci

Jeremy POV 

I wanted to ask Kara to go to a party with me because i got an invitation to a party but I just bring someone with me so I thought about asking her . I am just wondering how to ask her to go with  me suddenly I got an idea I saw a picture of rose . I knew exactly what I am going to do thank god we have 2 more days and I will prepare everything. I just hope she says yes . Please say yes ! 

Conten pov 

I got to ask someone to the party and obviously I want to ask Umme . So I thought how should I ask her and luckily I saw Jeremy taking to himself about how to ask Kara so I thought let's go ask  him about his plan. I was shocked when he told me  that we should propose to them together and I hugged him.  I asked him that how will we do this and he said let's get a lot of roses and surprise them 

Tomorrow Morning

Me and Jeremy went to a rose store and ordered a lot of roses . Then we went to a resort and booked two rooms and we high-fived each other . We went back to college and I went to kahaan and told him that I am going to propose to Umme  he hugged me said congratulations. He told me that Umme  will definitely say yes . I just told him I hope so . I didn't told him and out Jeremy because I know if I do he will kill me and him at the same time . 

Kara pov 

I was jumping up and down and I saw Jeremy I went to him he hugged me and I hugged him back . He told me that me will give me a surprise and I was really happy to hear that . He told me to dress well and he told me that umme and conten is coming with us . I screamed and asked him that he knows about conten and umme . He said yes I was so shocked. I hugged him again and high-fived him .  He said he will pick me up and he left . I saw kahaan looking at me I thought it was weird.since it was me who always stared at him . 


I went to conten for the first time and asked him for his name and I saw kahaan with him well I went to conten because of Umme as Umme get crush on him at the first time she saw Conten. Umme saw so shy to ask conten to ask his name so she told me to ask him. So when I go to Conten I say" Excuse me" he said "Yes" Then I said "What's your name" he said Conten at first but I didn't get it what he said as I never heard of a name like that so Conten had to show me his ID card and then I get it. Also when I didn't get Conten's name Kahaan was standing next so him and he told me his name clearly. I go back to Umme and told her, she was jumping in happiness. So our class and Conten's class would eat lunch together so at first Umme thought Conten came from South Korea ( AS YOUK KNOW BTS ). So Umme told me to go to him and ask him where did he came from and he said he came from Tebit when he said that I still didn't get what he said as it was too loud so Kahaan said that again. I go to Umme with a little sad face and told her that he didn't came from South Korea he came from Tebit. Umme became a little sad but then her face lit up and she call out " But still he is Asian tho" I was like what did just happen, but I still smiled as how much she is sacrificing for her love one. Next day me and Umme was a little more curious about conten because as he came from Tebit does he knows Hindi? So I go to Conten's table, as he and Kahaan was sitting alone in table. I go to Conten and ask him that does he knows Hindi then Umme join me and she was eating her yogurt punch, and she also ask does your parents know Hindi and Conten say that he can't speak Hindi but he is not sure about his parents. Another day Umme was crazy to know more about Conten and want to hear his voice more so she tell me to go to him and ask him something. So I to go to Conten and ask him how many color does their country flag have and Umme was passing by to throw her trash and Conten take out his phone and search how many colore does his country flag has, while doing that Umme was done so she came and stand next to me. After Conten answered my question he ask a question " why do you keep on coming on my table" and I just answered him like an proud mother" because I have a lot of question to ask you" Umme burst out laughing, and I can see Conten was a little embarrassed and he also smiled a little.

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