Chapter two

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Ron woke up at 1:00am exactly. Feeling, depressed. He looked to the bed beside him and noticed Harry wasn't there. He stood up and yawed, then he tip toed down the stairs. Harry was passed out on the couch, his books in his lap and his quill on the floor. "Harry!"whispered Ron. Harry moved a bit but never opened his eyes. "Harry!" Ron whispered a little louder. Harry's eyes slowly opened and the first thing he saw was Ron leaning over him.

"What?" He asked, still half asleep. Ron bent down and picked up Harry's quill and set it on the table.

"Go to bed!" Said Ron not caring if he was quiet anymore. Harry sat up and shook his head.

"No I have to study, the first exam is tomorrow," harry said picking up his quill and circling important words in his text book.

"You mean today? You studied all night, she only have... 6 hours left to sleep so go up to your bed and go to sleep." Ron said stubbornly. Harry finally gave in and gathered up all of his stuff and brought it to his bed. He threw it carelessly under the bed and went to sleep. Ron went back to sleep as well, but it was an uneasy sleep.

"Harry get up, time for breakfast." Said Ron tying to wake up Harry again.

"Is it really seven already?" Asked Harry when he woke up. Ron nodded. He was already ready, dressed in his uniform and had his hair done, his teeth were nit brushed yet because he did that after breakfast, just like everyone else. On their way the the great hall Hermione met up with them.

"Hi guys," she said taking her spot on the bench beside Harry. Harry smiled at Hermione but Ron said nothing, he just waited for the food to appear. "Ron I want to be your friend still, if that's ok." Hermione said feeling a little bad. Ron nodded but he didn't really want to be her friend right now.

"Actually no," he started, completely taking Hermione and Harry by surprise. "I don't think I'm ready for a friendship." He added, saying the same thing Hermione said to him about them being in a relationship. Hermione was speechless. She stared in horror, she was shocked Ron would even say that to her. Draco looked over from across the room and saw that Hermione looked really upset. He wanted to help but he knew Hermione still wanted it to be a secret. She stood up and ran out of the room. Draco rushed through the crowd trying not to be seen.

"RON!" Snapped Harry. "I.. I can't believe you said that!" Harry was just as shocked as Hermione was. "I know she said it to you, but her's was about a relationship, you... You just said that about being her friend."

"Im sorry," Ron said, then the food appeared. Breakfast foods of all kinds filled the table.

"Hermione!" Said Draco, angry at Ron for making her upset. "Are you ok?" He asked but he already knew that answer. Hermione looked at Draco. "I heard what he said."

"I think everyone did!" Hermione sobbed. Draco sat down beside her and put his arm around her. She leaned her head onto his shoulder and cried.

"I wanted to help, but you wanted it to be a secret." Draco said comfortingly.

" I know, thank you, but I do want it to be a secret.... Just for now," she said crying even more. "Go eat," She demanded Draco. He shook his head.

"No not until you are ok and go back in." Draco said. Hermione couldn't help but smile. Every one thought that Draco was the bad guy, but she knew he wasn't, he treated her like a princess and she loved him.

"I'm going in. Just you go in first." Hermione said pushing him. He smiled and kissed her then walked back into the great hall. When Hermione entered and sat back down no one spoke to her, and she was happy with that. She didn't eat much at all, she didn't talk at all. Every once in a while she would go to look at Draco only to realize he was already staring and smiling.

"Ok class, here is today's OWL exam. The topic on today's exam is Muggle studdies. No cheating." Said the teacher. Ron tapped Hermione's shoulder.

"Ya Hermione no cheating," he said as she turned around. He eyes widened.

"What?" She said hoping he didn't know.

"You know, you cheated on me." He said and Hermione cringed. She was hoping he would know. She turned around and tried to work, But there was so many things going on that she couldn't focus. She tapped her quill on the desk trying to think. The word cheating kept replaying in her head. She did feel bad for cheating on Ron, but what could she do.

"There is lots of things you could have done." She said to herself.

"Miss Granger, is there something you would like to say?" Asked the teacher when she heard Hermione talking.

"No sorry I was just thinking out loud." She answered and went back to work. She could hear Ron snickering behind her but she tried her best to keep working. Ron kept on laughing and she wiped around and glared at him. It made Ron uncomfortable because it was the same glare Draco gave him when he was about to kill him. He gulped and started to work. The teacher stopped them and sent them off to the next period which happened to be free period, and Slytherin and Gryffindor both has free period at the same time.

"Hermione, you coming to see Hagrid with us?" Asked Harry. Hermione shook her head.

"No I don't think so, I am going to go study." She said and walked off.

"Hey beautiful, you feeling better?" Asked Draco when he saw Hermione. They sat sown on the floor together and held hands.

"Yes thanks," she said smiling. Then her smile dropped. Draco looked her in the eye. "But I guess Ron knew I was cheating on him." She added feeling upset again. She felt a lump in her throat and wanted to burst out crying.

"You can cry," is the first thing Draco said to her. "How did he find out?" He asked. Hermione let out her tears and said,

"I really don't know, but he said he wont tell anyone." Hermione sobbed.

"Oh he said that did he?" Draco asked.

"Well no but I know her wont." The wind chimes played there little song and Hermione and Draco headed back to class.

"Goodbye Hagrid," said Ron walking out the door or Hagrid's hut. "Get your broom! The chimes went off we will be late!" Ron said worried that he wouldn't make it to class in time. They hopped in their brooms and speed off.

"How was the rest of your day?" Hermione asked Draco outside the door of the great hall. They were about to go and have their dinner.

"It was ok I guess, OWL exams are really boring though," he answered.

"I agree," she said.

"Meet me in the closet tonight at 9:00pm" said Draco then without letting her answer he walked into the great hall.

"So Hermione how do you think you did on your exam?"asked Ron trying to be nice. He waited a moment but Hermione didn't answer. "You still mad?" He asked waiting for an answer. She still didn't answer. She just ate. Ron and Harry talked about her like she wasn't sitting there. Hermione almost cried from the things Ron was saying about her. Draco noticed and wanted to go beat Ron up, but again, he knew he couldn't.

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