Chapter five

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Draco's POV

What just happened? I... I actually got mad at Hermione, that has never happened. I watched as she walked down the hall tempted to follow, but I never did. Why didn't I follow her, I just let her go and now I'm just standing in the hall, alone. "Umm hello?" Said a voice from behind me. It was a teachers voice but what one? Cold hearted, droned voice. Must be snape. When I turned around thats who I saw.

"Hello professor!" I jumped. Snape eyed me, what was he doing this for?

"Why?" He asked and I just stood there and wondered what he was talking about. He must have been able to tell I was confused because he finished talking. "Why are you letting her walk away?" He asked. This was a question that I had been asking myself as well. I just shrugged, what else was there to say? "Draco, when you've found the one don't let them leave or they may find someone else... And die before you can get them back." Snape was almost in tears which was odd. I didn't know what he was talking about, there was obviously some reason to what he said.

"Excuse me I'm not sure I understand," i told him. He looked annoyed, like i was dumb or something.

"I'm talking about Lily," was all he said before he left. Lily? Who was.... Oh. But Snape was right I can't just let Hermione walk away. I sped down the hall with my robes flowing behind me to go look for Hermione, she couldn't be too far.

Hermione's POV

HE JUST DOESN'T UNDERSTAND! I was wrong to leave Ron. It would have been better with him. With him I could have kept it a secret and he wouldn't care. I made a huge mistake with Draco and I would have to break up with him. After class I walked out and Draco was waiting outside. Now would be the time to do this, now I would break up with him. Butterflies flew wildly in my stomach. Part of me didn't want to do this. "Hermione, I'm sorry," Draco pouted. Damn he was making this hard with his sad eyes.

"I'm breaking up with you." I said so quick I didn't think he would understand but I knew he did 'cause he cried, in front of everyone. People were backed up all the way down the hall to see the strongest boy in school cry. I ducked away and to the prefects louge. I didn't want to be seen with him again. The door clicked open as Draco walked in. Out of the corner of my eye I watched him. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were red as well. As soon as he saw me he burst into loud sobs. I wanted to care but right now I couldn't.

Two weeks later.

Things between me and Draco have been cold. We have't spoken, not one word. Only glares. At night I could hear him cry and say over and over again, "Snape was right." I jumped out of bed feeling depressed and lonely, like I have been ever since I broke up with Draco. I pulled out the new uniform that I had just gotten last night. The skirt was now red instead of Grey but the new top was the same. When I left my room I saw Draco doing up his shirt,part of his abs showing. why did he have to do that in front of me, He knows it turns me on. I watched as he did up his shirt and imagined his body On mine. I know I shouldn't want him but I do. I let out a small moan at the thought of him naked and he looked over. My cheeks burned as they turned red and I went back to getting ready. "Her..." Draco said but stopped and didn't say anything else for a few minutes. "Hermione," he finally pulled out the courage to say. I looked over but didn't say anything ti him, I didn't know if I wanted to talk to him. I was so confused on what I thought about him. He thought for a minute and continued. "Hermione, I'm sorry, for everything. But most of all i'm sorry for even being alive and so I was thinking I should just kill myself." And that's when I snapped. I burst into tears and fell on the floor. I crawled into a corner and covered my face with my hands. I didn't care how stupid I looked. I heard footsteps getting further away from me and I thought that I was now alone. Until I felt an arm around my shoulder. "Hermione, i'm sorry please tell me why you are crying." I didn't talk as I was far from ready. I regrouped myself and got ready to talk.

"You said that you were going to kill yourself and I was thinking it was my fault well because it was. Also I just feel bad and I miss you and I just don't know what I would do without you being here. If you died I would be lost. And I know you don't like me anymore because I wouldn't like me either I just want to say that i miss you even if you don't feel the same way," i struggled to say because after every few words I would cry again.

Draco's POV

"Hermione that's not true I do like you just as a friend though." It was hard to tell Hermione I only liked her as a friend because it wasn't true. I loved Hermione, so so much but I thought it would be better if we were just friends. "I just think that I'm not the right guy, you need someone who...." But I couldn't finish.

"Yeah, I uh I should go now." She left leaving my arm cold.

"I screwed up," I told myself. Snape was right. I will loose her. I just don't want to hurt her again. As I got ready for bed the door to the room opened and in walked Ginny and Hermione. Followed by Harry, Ron, Neville and Luna. They all smiled at Me and Hermione rushed into her room almost as if she was scared.

"Draco," luna blurted out, however she stayed calm like always. "Hermione told us, all of us. About everything that has happened, she also told us to tell you she loves you. She just couldn't say it herself." I was so happy. She still loved me and she told everyone! They all hugged me it was awkward but i hugged them back.

"This does not mean we are friends!"They all said as they left. I laughed. No noise could be heard throughout the lounge so I went and continued to get ready for bed. I was surprised when there still was no noise. I was getting worried something happened to Hermione so I ran ti her room and opened the door. She was fast asleep, not under the covers, still in her uniform and a book on her face and a quill on the floor. I pulled the book of her face and realized it was her diary.i urged myself not to read it but I did anyway and boy am I glad I did. On the last page "will you go out with me again Draco?" Was written in blue ink. I pulled out my wand and pointed it at the quill on the ground as I walked over to the desk. I levitated the Quill and brought it over to me. I pulled a jar of green ink out of my pocket and quietly popped open the lid. Underneath where she wrote I wrote the words Of Course on the page then set it back down on the bed beside her. I walked to my room, pulled out a fluffy green blanket then brought it back to Hermione. When i got back I noticed her trying to hide a smile and I noticed the diary was out of place fro where I out it. I pretended I didn't notice and I placed my blanket over her. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me down, kissed me quickly then fell right back asleep.

"Goodnight my love," i whispered but never got an answer as she was fast alseep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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