Chapter four

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Harry's POV

" Hey Ginny," I purred and grabbed her around the waist. She smiled.

"Hi." She said.

"Harry," I heard a voice say. When I turned around I saw Ron. I glared at him as he waved. It was almost like he didn't know what he did before.

"I thought I was Potter," I snarled. Ginny took a step back not wanting to get involved. Ron didn't answer, he looked confused. I left, and when I was half way down the hall I finally heard Ron answer.

"That's what Malfoy calls you, why would I?" He asked. I turned around and walked back over. Ginny didn't follow.

" Why don't you ask yourself that?" I asked refusing to look him directally in the eye. I heard foot steps walking closer to me. I was hoping it was Ginny coming over to help me but she wasn't there. Instead Pansy Parkinson was towering over me. She was off, she seemed soft for once, she was in Slytherin and was always rude but right now she seemed like she didn't want me dead for once. Ron growled at her then left. I saw him stop and talk with Ginny. He kept glancing over and he looked really upset. I felt bad, but I'm not putting up with him treating me like that.

"Harry please don't be mad at Ron this is all my fault," Pansy said making sure she didn't sound like she care. I smiled at Pansy, I knew she cared, I thought it was cute the way she tried to be nice. STOP THINKING LIKE THAT! YOU ARE WITH GINNY! I said inside my head.

"Thanks Pansy but what Ron did can't be your fault," I answered walking away.

"Harry seriously listen!" Pansy demanded grabbing my shoulder to stop me. I turned around my eyes wide, she had an abnormally strong grip for a girl of her size. I crossed my arms waiting for her to explain.

" Ok, please don't tell Ron. I'm going to tell him myself what happened." She started. I nodded promising to not tell Ron. "Well it was an honest accident, but I saw Ron with Lavender and I was jealous. I wanted Ron to be with me. So I tried to cast a spell on Lavender to make her insult you. I thought that if he saw she was going to treat his best friend like that he would leave her. The thing that went wrong is that Ron got in the way and it him," When she finally finished I was shocked. So Pansy Parkinson likes Ron? I thought. "Promise you won't tell?" She asked hopfully.

"Only if you promise you will tell him" I said knowing Ron would be hurt if I didn't tell him or at least someone told him. She nodded in response.

"I'll tell him now," she turned around and turned to Ron. I hurried after her to make sure she was actually going to tell him. "So Ron, are you and Lavender really like... together" she asked. I cleared my throat to get her attention. She looked at me and I jerked my head towards Ron. She held up her finger and mouthed out "ONE SECOND."

"No I guess Crabbe put a spell on her to make her think she liked me, I mean it sucks I liked her but whatever," She responded. Pansy smiled. She explained the whole thing she had jjst told me to Ron. I figured he would look angry but instead he smiled at Pansy. " You were jealous? But why?" He asked still smiling,

"Well cause I like you," She blushed. Ron's cheeks became beet red.

"Well Pansy Parkinson, will you be my girlfriend," He asked her. I felt like I had just been shot. I already barley get to see Hermione cause she's now a head prefect, and now I will lose Ron to a Slytherin girl. Pansy nodded violently.

"Yes!" she said loudly throwing her arms into the air. Ron pulled her into a hug. He looked more happy than her did with Lavender and Hermione. It was weird, but I guess I was happy for him. My mind went back to Hermione. It seems like she's been hiding something, but I don't know what. I feel so bad for her. She's stuck in the same prefects room as Draco Malfoy. It must be torture for her.

Hermione's POV

Life couldn't be better. Darco is perfect and he did everything for me. On my way back from class I was famished. I was excited to see what Draoc made for lunch. I walked up the strairs to the prefects room alone. At least I thought I was alone, but I kept hearing foot steps behind me. Every once in a while I would look around but I would see no one. The footsteps got louder an once again I turned around only this time I was greeted by Draco's smiling face. "Whats your favourite food?" he asked before he said anything else. I thought for a minute.

"Sushi? Why?" I asked. He shook his head then grabbed my arm without answering.

"Sit," He demanded pushing me Onto the couch then he left the room. He walked into the kitchen and didn't come out for a ling time. I sat waiting, getting slightly inpatient. finally he walked back Into the room and set down a try with all kinds of sushi on it. "Made it myself," he said proudly.

"Wow," I said,"Thanks." he sat down and we both began to eat.

"Y'know I like sushi too, and I was actually hoping this is what you would say,"he said.

"Oh really?" I joked.

"Really really," he answered. after we ate he took me to the top of the stairs and kissed me. "Haven't down that for a while, felt good." Draco smiled and kissed me again. I loved kissing Draco, it made me fall in love with him all over again. He picked me up and carried me down the stairs when we heard a familiar voice. He quickly put me down then ran up the stairs. I had no idea what he was doing but I knew as soon as I saw Harry come around the corner followed by Ginny.

" Hey guys, I said trying to act casual.

"Hermione!" Ginny smiled and ran up to me. "How are you?" She asked seeming really Happy to see me.

"Im good thanks what about you?" I said.

"I an so great. I have two relationship updates I need to share with you!" Ginny said sound very excited. I was hoping she didn't know about me and Draco. I nodded and waited for her to answer. "Well first off.. Harry and I are together." I smiled when she said this. Honestly Harry and Ginny were perfect for each other.

"And the other?" I asked.

"Ron and," Ginny started but I cut her off.

"Lavender." I added. Ginny shook her head.

"No Ron and Pansy Parkinson." she continued. My eyes widened. Ginny nodded, then asked," What about you? Are you with anyone?" She asked. For a split second my heart stopped.

"Umm no no," I said quickly.

"I feel so bad for you, you share a room with that monster Draco." Ginny said sounding pitiful. I cringed inside. How dare she say that about him. Just then Draco walked by.

"Always a pleasure," she said coldly as he walked by.

"So you coming to class?" Asked Ginny and I nodded.

"Uh ya ill catch up." i told her

I walked down the hall and saw Draco walking just ahead.

"When are you going to tell them? He asked sounding mad.

"Im sorry but its not that easy," I answered.

"Well make it easy!" said Draco almost yelling. "I hate that your so scared of what people think that you cant even tell them you are with me."

"Ok they will know just not right now. And I see what your saying. you think I wont tell then because I'm scared of what they think. Thats not true, you don't understand." I said so mad I was almost in tears. I ran ahead and didn't look back. I wanted nothing to do with him right now.

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