Chapter three

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Hermione's POV

"Well Hermione it's time to go out, I asked Dumbledore to let us go out tonight, and he agreed, and he also has something to tell us.We have to go see him now." Draco said grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him. "Professor, you wanted to see us?" He asked but I could tell he already knew what Dumbledore wanted.

"Yes yes sit please," he said waiving his wand making a big black couch appear. I sat down and waited to hear the news, I could tell it was going to be good because Draco had a huge smile plastered across his face. His grey eyes were sparkling and I wanted to stare at him all day, he was prefect. I was brought back to reality when Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Well as you know this is your last year at Hogwarts, and you have the chance to become head Prefects?" I nodded hoping he was going to say I was going to be one. "Well I meant to tell you earlier but I never got the chance, to busy with the first years, anyway you guys are both going to be Head Prefects for you houses." I smiled with delight, I had always wanted to be a prefect. "Which means you guys will have the head prefects room. It will have a room for both of you and a kitechen, living room and a bathroom." He said. I was so excited to have this opportunity.

"What about Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw?" I asked remembering he said there was a room for just me and Draco. Thats only two rooms, there are four houses.

"What about them?" Dumbledore questioned.

"You said there was only two bedrooms," I answered.

"Ah yes, the head prefects from the other two houses are in a different Prefects lounge." Dumbledore answered. He sent us off, I followed Draco wondering where he was taking me.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as we walked up the stairs to the 7th floor.

"Well I thought we would go check out our new room before we go out." He answered and smiled. We walked up to a painting of Snape and I said the password. When we walked in it was marvellous. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling of the living room, Which was the first room that they entered. It had two leather couches and a beautiful coffee table. When we walked into the kitchen I noticed a nice granite counter, the room was just beautiful. We went to the bathroom and it was also wonderful. Finally, we went and checked out mine and Draco's room. They were both the same, wood floors, white walls. The only thing that was different was the bedding. Draco had the Slytherin colours on his bed and I had the Gryffindor colours.

"Wow it's beautiful," I said in awe.

"Yes it really is," he added. "Its lucky Gryffindor and Slytherin got put together." I nodded then he left the room. I followed him out. "Ready to go?" He asked when he noticed I was following.

"Yes," I said then he ran over and picked me up bridal style.

"Y'know, thins is how I will carry you when we get married." He said spinning me around, tightening his grip.

"Oh ya? And who said we were getting married?" I mocked. He smiled and kissed me.

"Well we are 19, and I've heard you marry you crush from when you were 19, so a girlfriend has to be more promising than a crush," He laughed. I laughed back and rolled my eyes. "Close your eyes,"he demanded and he teleported us somewhere. When I opened my eyes we were surrounded by muggles.

"Where are we?" I asked looking around. He pointed to a sign that was in Arabic so I couldn't read it. I didn't ask questions I just followed him as he walked towards the door. He gestured for me to go in first. "Thank you," I said and flashed him a smile.

Narraters POV

"Hey Harry," said Ginny peering around the corner.

"Ginny!" Harry smiled, "Come in." He moved over on the couch to make room for Ginny. Ginny gladly took the spot beside him and as soon as she sat Ron entered the room with Lavender Brown. Ron was holding Lavender's hand, he didn't notice Harry and Ginny.

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