Burnt Pancakes & Snow Cones

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I got out of the shower and just put on shorts and hoodie.

" John did you burn something?!"

" Um no."

I quickly went to the kitchen and saw burnt pancakes. I put my head on the wall and started to beat my head on it.

" K stop before you break the wall or bust your head open."

Nikki said moving me from the wall.

" How in the hell do you burn a whole thing of pancakes? "

" I got distracted."

" Get out and take your pancakes with you."

I groaned and opened the patio door to let the smell out. I went back in the living room and sat down laying across Dean and Seth with my head in Dean's lap.

" John burnt the pancakes."

John gave me a look. Dean started playing with my hair. Rex and Reigns ran in. Rex jumped on me and I groaned.

" Dude you're heavy. "

I said rubbing him. He licked my face and growled at Dean and Seth. I laughed and got up.

"I should probably get him to stop doing that."

" Who burnt pancakes? "

Mom yelled.

" John!"

Everyone yelled. She walked in and said,

" John honey we've talked about this. Stop getting distracted when you make pancakes. "

She said kissing his forehead. I smirk. She came and kissed my forehead.

" Gross John was laying in sand earlier."

I said wiping my forehead.

" James has been complaining about a picture what is it?"

I went and got it.

" Oh my gosh he is over exaggerating it doesn't look that bad."

" Tell that to John."

I said.

" You're like my little sister I can say that if I want to."

I gave him a look and he smiled. I sat on the floor playing with Reigns and Rex.

" Reigns boy come here."

He jumped in my lap.

" Hey Roman you and Reigns look just alike."

I laughed. He gave me a look. I smiled. They climbed over me and ran behind mom somewhere.

"I forgot to ask if you have a surfing room do you have a wrestling room?"

" Yeah."

I stood up and they followed me. I have pictures, magazine covers, and titles hanging up everywhere.

" Why are these two empty?"

" They have to send me a replica of the two titles I have now."

The doorbell rung.

" I got it. "

Mom yelled. She walked in with a box.

" Titles are here."

She handed me the box and I opened it. I pulled out both and looked at them.

" Has anyone else realized how ugly the divas title is now?"

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