Therapy Day 1

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"I love the way you make me feel. I love it. I love it."

" Hello?"

" Babe are you still sleeping?"

" Yes."

" Wake up you have therapy. "

" Not until 12:00. It's only...."

I looked at the time.

" 11:45 shit. My alarm didn't go off."

I got up and got in my wheelchair. I changed as quick as I could and got something for breakfast.

" Thanks for waking me up."

" No problem. "

" Okay I have to go. Love you."

" Love you too baby girl. "

I hung up and went out the house. Mom pulled up. She helped me in the car.

"Morning. I brought coffee."

" Thanks."

I grabbed it drinking it. She bagged out driving to the therapy building. We made it and I got out getting in my chair. We went in.

" Good morning Sia!"

" Hi Timmy!"

He gave me a hug.

" I've missed you buddy."

" I missed you too."

" How much?"

" Um... this much!"

He said stretching his arms out.

" Woah there that's alot of loving. "

He laughed his adorable laugh.

" Okay I gotta go get my toys. I'm going to the playground. "

" Have fun buddy."

I gave him another hug and he kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and he ran off. If you ever get around Timmy you have no choice, but to be happy. He's a big ball of energy just waiting to explode. We signed in and went back to my usual therapy room. I got out my phone and text Aj.

From : Bestival Si
Multimedia Message
Let's rock and roll!

From : Asparagus J
Good luck skype as soon as you get home. Sure Trish is gonna post vids.

From : Bestival Si
Sure she will. Ttyl.

I locked my phone when Toby walked in.

" Good morning you two."

" Morning Toby."

" Ready?"

" As I'll ever be."

" We're gonna take it slow. We're going to see how it feels when you put pressure on your leg. "

I nodded. We went over to the rails and he helped me stand up. I grabbed ahold of the rails.

" Lightly put pressure down."

I nodded and slowly sat it down.

" How is it?"

It hurts a little, but not much."

" That's what we want."

He helped me sit down.

" Before we start we want to do an MRI to see what's going on."

I nodded and we walked out to Trisha's office.

" Good morning."

" Morning Trisha."

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