Part 2 - Raw emotion

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"Damn, the women are hot, have you seen Stevie and Christine?" Lindsey asked John and Mick as they hung around on stage, the women were still in their dressing rooms; none of the men understood why they had to make themselves look "perfect," it was only a rehearsal.

"Yep, they haven't aged a bit," Mick said as he shined his drums.

"Uh-huh, why?" John asked.

"I was just thinking, we haven't seen each other in so long and look at us," Lindsey gestured towards his body, "The women are in perfect shape and then I look at myself and I'm like "That's not me, is it?""

Mick laughed, "Hey I don't have that big of a belly now, do I?" he placed a hand on his stomach.

John rolled his eyes with a chuckle, "Let's not bring this up now, please?"

Lindsey placed a hand on John's shoulder, "Oh, don't be so hard on yourself."

"I just don't want to be reminded about my weight, that's all."

"Ah, you're not that bad John," Mick implied, "The audience is only coming to see Stevie anyway," he laughed.

"Oh, well that just makes me feel wonderful," John implies.

"Yeah, I'm not that bad at guitar," Lindsey laughed, "You implying something?"

"No, just saying that Stevie is the main star."

"Stevie's the what?" she approached the stage with Christine.

"Yeah, what about Stevie being the main star?" Chris chimed in.

"Ah hell, I was just playing around with the boys here," Mick said.

"Well un-play it," Stevie said and flirtatiously flipped her hair and walked passed Lindsey.

Ooh, nice, he thought as he watched Stevie sway her hips back and forth as she reached her microphone.

Oh Stevie, you're such a bad girl, she chuckled to herself and began to fluff her hair.

Lindsey kept eyeing her up and down, all the other band members had their eyes on the two of them; they knew that something was up...again.

 I wonder what she looks like under those clothes? Lindsey tuned his guitar as he stared at her.

Jeez Lindsey, if you don't stop looking at me now -- I'll have to re apply my makeup, damn it's hot in here.

I want to run my hands through her hair so bad, dammit. I'm never going to get through this rehearsal, Lindsey shook his head.

"Okay," Mick interrupted Stevie and Lindsey's thoughts, "I think that we of course all know these songs very well but I think we need to focus...Lindsey," he looked at him, "Let's start with The Chain."

Lindsey just looked at Mick like "What did I do?" and walked up to his microphone, placing his hands on the guitar strings.

Stevie shook her head at him and mouthed "Bad boy," then she picked up her tambourine that was lying against her microphone.

Nice, was all Lindsey could think when she leaned over.

I can't believe this, he's like a teenager, Stevie laughed to herself and stood back up, preparing herself for the beginning of the song.

"One, two, three..." Christine said and then the whole band started with The Chain.

Things were going great, everyone remembered most of the keys and notes; it was as if they didn't even have to rehearse, until Gold Dust Woman; that's when everything started to heat up.

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