Part 13 - Surprise

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The tour had ended, Christine had made it final that she didn't want anything to do with The Dance no longer; they won their award at the Grammies and that was basically it. Neither Stevie nor Lindsey were that enthused about sitting next to each other at the show but they thought they may as well make the best of it, Kristen was sitting next to Lindsey and that made the situation even worse. She was about four months pregnant now, too.

Stevie glanced down at her stomach and then over to Kristen's, she turned her head the other way when Lindsey faced her; she felt embarrassed.

Lindsey gave a small smile, he felt extremely honored to have two beautiful women at his side; the woman on his right being his most proud date.

Sighing, Stevie looked back up at the stage, it was hard concentrating on the show when she was next to Lindsey and his "girlfriend." She had told Lindsey that their relationship just wouldn't work out. He had gotten Kristen pregnant and that was enough to make Stevie sick, she wasn't the one impregnated so there was no point in even claiming Lindsey.

He was beginning to grow happy again with Kristen in his life but the memories of what he and Stevie had once again shared on this last tour, it was enough to make him depressed.

After the show, Kristen got up immediately and claimed that she had to use the restroom; Lindsey told her that he would be right here waiting for her. She didn't understand that but she agreed and then began to walk her way down the isle that would lead to the exit of the auditorium.

Stevie watched Kristen begin to leave and then she turned to give Lindsey a small nod and then began to leave as well, he grabbed her hand before she could completely walk out of his reach.

"What are you doing?" she asked him.

"What do you mean? Stevie, you are just going to nod your head and then leave? Stevie we may not see each other for years again...Why are you just running off?"

"Well you have to be ready for Kristen when she gets back, there's no reason for me to hang around. I'm sure that the two of you want to get back to your place so you can..." she cleared her throat, "Well I'm sure that the two of you just want to head home."

"Hey," he pulled her towards him as the other people walked passed them, "Don't give me the cold shoulder, Stevie, you're the one that wanted me to go to her -- I didn't want to leave but you forced me out, this is your choice; you made your choice and now ...well I guess you're going to have to live with it 'cause I can't just back out on Kristen now either."

Stevie swallowed her tears and nodded, "I'm only doing what is right and that is that the father of a woman's child should be together...So..." she squeezed his hand, "Good bye, Lindsey."

He watched her walk away, tears filling his eyes and biting his bottom lip; Lindsey watched the most beautiful woman in the room leave his side. Once again, Stevie, his first love was walking away from him, away from the love and intimacy they had ever shared. Lindsey didn't know how he would EVER be able to repay her.


She threw her purse in to the wall once she stepped in to her room. Stevie had been extra cranky and moody lately. All the stress, being off tour, not having Lindsey anymore. All that was making her sick and the worst of it was that she was missing her period. It had been about a month and half and she guessed that it had to do with the menopause kicking in. She had questioned her doctor when the first signs would actually show and she had said that every woman was different but the age of 50 usually was when a woman would notice her first signs of menopause, and missed periods.

Stevie began to undress and noticed the slight swelling in her breasts, she had noticed this about a month back but didn't take any real notice till the tenderness kicked in; they were so tender that it hurt to even touch them.

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