Part 4 - Chit chat

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Kristen placed a tender kiss on Lindsey's lips, he's known her for a few years now; she did some work with the record company he's been with and one day they talked, then she came back; it developed in to a relationship and they both started feeling like they could have a future -- this was when Lindsey was hopeless with ever getting Stevie back again. Lindsey thought that he might as well just move on since it seemed as if Stevie didn't want his children or ring.

"Mmm..." Kristen ran her hands through Lindsey's curls, "I miss you."

He chuckled, "Kristen, we've only been away from each other for about a day."

"I know but that's too long," she began to unbutton her top.

Lindsey had thoughts of what went on with Stevie the other day, how they both told each other things that they thought they would never hear again, "I can't," he started to button her top.

"What?" her mouth dropped.

"I said no, Kristen, I'm just; I have a lot on my mind and I'm tired from rehearsal -- I have to get used to it again, it's been a long time since I've been on stage."

Kristen sighed, "Fine," she started to grab her purse, "I just thought that we could really get together again, it's been about a month now."

"Well I'm sorry Kristen but this tour is going to have me booked up and I'm not going to be able to do those "things" with you as much, not yet; not now."

Kristen rubbed his back as he stared out his hotel window, "Baby, ever since you saw your band mates again...well you've been different, was there a fight or something?"

"No Kristen," he said, "We're doing just fine actually, just fine," he thought of Stevie.

"Well you know that you can come to me if you need anything," she kissed the back of his neck.


I don't think that you can give me what I need, I know who can though, "I know, thank you."

"So what shall we do then?" she hung on his neck.

"I'm not sure, there's not that much to do; just relax I guess," he shrugged.

She sighed, "Well I'm going to take a shower then..." Kristen started to gather up her night gown from her suitcase, "Would you like to come with me?" she smiled flirtatiously.

Lindsey looked back at her, she was a sweet woman and she had a lot to give; he knew that he couldn't just ignore her since Stevie and him finally told each other how they've felt, "Okay," he smiled and then started to get some of his clean clothes out of his suit case.


"Well you dirty dog," Karen said to Stevie as they laughed back and forth in their hotel room.

"If it wasn't for Christine, I wouldn't have even told Lindsey," she smiled.

"Well, Christine. sure is a life saver. I was so worried that you would just break down Stevie; as if possibly not doing this tour at all."

"Oh trust me, I wouldn't have backed out even if I didn't tell him; he knows how I feel anyway ...or I think," she giggled, "I mean I know that he feels the same and always has but hearing it from him, oh Karen," she fell back on the bed and stretched, "You have no idea what he does to me."

"What?" Karen laughed, "Is he... "good?""

Stevie sat back up and raised an eyebrow, " "Good?" Oh honey, he's a God in that department."

"Ooh! Tell me more," Karen jumped over on to Stevie's bed as if she was a gossipy teenager.

"Oh jeez, look what I've started," Stevie slapped her hands down on her knees as she laughed.

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