Part 18 - A baby and a tour

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Lindsey stared through at the tiny sleeping boy that lay before him in the hospital's nursery, William was his name; a beautiful boy that was the new addition to the Buckingham family.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he placed a hand on the glass, wanting to reach out to the little boy. Lindsey's feelings for the child were changing, he hadn't been there for the birth but once he got a call from Kristen in the hospital, he knew that he had to leave Arizona as fast as he could; Stevie wanted him to leave, too. He told her that he would be back and he knew in his heart that he would, she would be setting up her tour dates now and even though how many people thought it was silly of Stevie to go out on tour while going on seven months pregnant. Stevie wouldn't hear it, she said that she was in good health and that her doctor said she could make it if she just didn't strain herself too much.

"Can I help you with something, sir?" a short brunette nurse asked.

"Huh? Oh," he looked towards the nurse, "I got a call earlier today that my girlfriend had given birth to my baby, and I was just here to see him."

"Well," the nurse smiled, "Which baby, do you know?"

"Yeah, the one closest to the window in the middle; I can read Buckingham on it."

The nurse smiled again, "Well alright, why don't you come back here with me and I'll bring him over to you," she began to walk in to the nursery.

Lindsey followed behind and anxiously waited for the nurse to hand him his boy.

"Here we are," she said with a grin and placed William in Lindsey's arms, "Did you two give him a name yet?"

"Yeah, my girlfriend said that she wanted to go with William; I wasn't here when she gave birth. I let her choose."

"Oh, I see, well I'm glad that you came to visit at least; sometimes there's fathers to these kids and they never come by at all," she gave Lindsey a small smile.

"Yeah, I've heard of that," he smiled down at William, the boy slightly opening his eyes and grasping one of Lindsey's fingers; it was as if a revelation to him. Lindsey never thought he would be a father but if he did, he always thought it would be with Stevie. Now he was going to be the father of not only Stevie's but Kristen's as well, it was going to be hard on him but he was determined to make it happen.


Stevie lay back on her bed, flipping through the T.V. channels and sipping on a glass of milk; she was anxious to hear from Lindsey. He said that he would call her around seven but it was nearing seven thirty, she grew worried so decided to pass the time by watching some of the news.

After drifting off a few times, Stevie finally turned off the television and stared down the phone; after a few more minutes, it rang and Stevie reached for it quickly.



"Yeah, it's me Lindsey; are you okay?"

"Yeah," he said with a smile, the tone of it sounding much happier than Stevie expected.

"Good, I was afraid that maybe something had happened; it's going on what now?" she looked over at the clock, "Eight thirty, I was sitting here forever."

"Aw baby, I'm sorry; I was just talking with Kristen and talking about the baby."


"Yeah, don't sound so upset; I promise you on this Stevie, I want a relationship to work with you.  I can still be the father of Kristen's baby but I don't have to live with her."

Stevie sighed, "I know, you've only told me that hundreds of times; it still worried me though -- I'm always afraid that ..."

"After that what...?"

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