«The dream team»

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"Why the fuck are you yelling at her, asshole?", A boy in a lime hoody asks. three boys seem to appear in an instant.

"DREAM!", Tina happily says running towards him. nothing seemed to matter to her anymore, because Dream is finally here, here to save her from this cruel event.

"how is my favorite soldier doing?, how are you, Tina darling?", Dream asks with a warm smile on his face. glaring at wilbur.

"We are going home, Dream... you can come by if you want", Wilbur says in a frim tone, going to hold Tina's hand to leave.

"The fuck is with you today?", the boy with the bandana asks with an annoyed tone. "I'm not in the best mode today, Sapnap. me and Tina need to leave."

"Did you get bad grades again, Tina?", the third boy asks sarcasticly. "OH, WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP MISTER GEORGENOTFOUND? WHO EVEN ARE YOU TO ASK ME ABOUT SUCH A THING, YOU ALWAYS GOT AN F FOR YOUR DAMN EXAMS", Tina ramblils aimlessly.

"woah, chill I was joking.. damn", george is shook at how much energy Tina has even after training. maybe she was emptying negative energy.

"Alright, that's it I am taking Tina to get ice cream.", Dream says not leaving place for argument.

"c'mon Dream, you can't just do that.", wilbur's mode lightened when the trio arrive. yet he isn't just going to let him take his sister like that.

"I can. and I will" Dream insists. he made it clear that he isn't leaving without her. "vome on now."

"god damn it. fine", Will sighs, giving up on fighting with dream.. he was very arogant and everyone know that.

"Thanks, Dream.. you're the best", Tina smiles at him with a thankful look. Finally someone to snatch her away from that dark space in her head.


"Chocolate!", Tina says excitedly, answering Dream. "I want vannila please.", Tubbo states.. of course they have to bring him along too. though Ranboo and Purpled had to go home.

"You are so basic, Tubbo.. you're a goat, you like only basic food, HELL YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IS FUCKING CHEMISTRY." Tina likes to make fun of how so very normal Tubbo is, even though she knows that deep down she wants to be like him.

"And you're just a normal high school girl that goes and does girly things and annoys people", Tubbo says not realising the wight of his words.. when she thinks about it, nothing Tubbo ever said had hurt her more.

"girl." a single word that makes her intire world crumble. god knows how much she wishes she was a boy. she has never felt like a girl, like a lady!. she always wanted to be the prince instead of the princess whenever they played kingdoms.

she wanted to play the wolf instead of the lady in the red hood. she wanted to be mario not peach. she wanted to play the knight hero not the dimesel in distess.

yet she was always put into these roles because she was the only girl in the group, while she hated that feeling.


"Tina?" She didn't notice wilbur calling her before since she is already too lost in her thoughts. "huh?, oh sorry wilbur..", she feels Like she always makes him disappointed.

"It's alright.. are you okay?", Wilbur seems concerned.. and she doesn't know how to make him not worry..

"yeah.. I am alright.. can we go home now?", she is desperate to get away from all the noise. to get back to her safe space.. she needs
to leave. and now.

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