«The true me»

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Tina headed down stairs to meet Eret intending to just brush him off and assure him she is alright, once she fully acended the stairs she sees him and her brother chatting.

"oh good morning Tina" her brother calls as she goes to settle next to him on the couch. "Mornin Tech.. hey Eret, w-why are you here?" she says clearl sweating. "Tina!" Techno points out her disrespect.

"heh it's okay Techno, I'm used" He gigles being used to Tina's antics. "I just wanted to make sure you are okay.. you seemed in distress on the phone yesterday"

"Umm, yeah sure..it's nothing really, just some school stress..you know." It wasn't fully a lie as it was making her feel bad how she was absolutely going to fail math, and maybe a few more subjects..Will would be so dissabointed.

"Are you sure..you know you can tell us right?" There was genuine concern in his tone..she doesn't deserve that. "Yeah absolutely..don't you worry about it king." She put her confident, arrogant smile back on. She couldn't do this anymore..she has to leave now.

"Now, if you don't mind..I gotta go get ready for school." She started heading back upstairs. However, unfortunately, inturpted by her mother. "Mornin dear, why don't you come with me and Tech..we were going to-" but Tina didn't let her finish..she needed to go back to her room.

"No thanks mom, I really gotta go" she was sweating now..it was getting too much, it was all too loud too confusing too quick, she felt a firm grip on her arm before she could move.

"Tina, are you sure you're alright?" Techno's cool voice asked from behind her. "Dear we are worried about you." Her mother stated in a panic. "Tina, answer us!" Even Eret was getting envolved now..great.

"Tina?" Wilbur's tone was confused and worried..scared? And she snapped. "I SAID I'M OKAY." She snatched her arm back from Techno. "WHAT PART OF I'M FINE DON'T YOU MORONS GET?" Her hands flew to her mouth, she couldn't believe what she just said.

"How dare you talk to us like that young lady!?" Once her mother recovered from the surprise, she snapped back. "GO to your room this instant!" Not knowing that was exactly what she wanted in the first place, her mom yelled.

"FINE" She screamed back doing her best to keep from crying. And she started running back up the stairs. Once at the door, she stormed in and slammed the door back in anger and frustration.

She was met with the mirror on her wall. She walked towards it and..she looked..wrong? Why was her body like this? Why not like the rest of her friends. Why couldn't she be a boy..a strong fighter..a brave warrior.. a handsome Prince..why couldn't she be a man?

This was it, the breaking point.. her brothers always said, 'if you want something..do it yourself' and she'd do it herself.

She spent the night making a plan. One witch would finally work..finally make the feeling go away..finally get her what she wants


She was awoken by a knock on her door about half an hour later."come on Tina you gotta get ready for school." Oh yeah..school.
"Coming Will.."

She got up reluctantly and carelessly put on her school uniform. Once she opened the door and made it down the stairs she was met with an empty kitchen..until she heard footsteps coming out.

"There you are..let's go" Will said nonchalantly. "Where is everyone?" She was rightfully confused. "You wouldn't listen earlier, but mom was trying to say that we're going to XD's Castle. Mom was invited" of course..Death is invited to the god of the End's Castle. But it was perfect for the plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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