I Will Be Okay

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Ladybug gasped for breath, the gash in her stomach fighting against her breathing. Ladybug managed to free Chat from the Akumatized victims' influence just after he had attacked her. The victim managed to get away, but Chat refused to leave her side, refusing to let her die, alone.
"Milady, I'm so sorry, it's my fault," Chat said through sobs. The tears felt like they would never stop coming, and Chat knew he wouldn't be able to recover from this.
"N-no, it's not," Ladybug rasped, her breathing becoming almost better.
"I was controlled by that Akuma and now you're dying in my arms but you say it's not my fault," Chat let out a morbid chuckle, the tears still coming from his eyes.

Ladybug smiled, the look of his emerald eyes that were filled with tears broke her heart, but she couldn't do anything about it. She was dying, but she was dying as Paris's heroine who saved them almost every day for the past 2 years.
"C-chat, please look at me," Ladybug reached for his cheek, placing her hand softly on his wet face. "Take my earrings and save the day, I don't know if I will come back after you fix everything but Paris needs to be safe,"

"No, I can't do that...." He held his hand on hers. "I need to know that you will be okay,"
"I can and will be replaced by someone else, but Paris can't,"
"No, there is no one else like you, I love you milady,"
"I...." Ladybug felt her eyes become heavier as if she was about to fall asleep. This was it, this was her last moment. "It'll be okay, I will be okay," Ladybug let out her final breath, her last moment being held by the boy she had grown to love, but couldn't let herself realize until her dying breath.

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