Hey Charming

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"Go on! I'll catch up with you!" Ladybug exclaimed to Rena Rouge, Carapace and Queen Bee. She held her side in pain, covering her large wound. The three, not knowing she was hurt, agreed and followed the villain. Adrien was in Reims for a photoshoot and hadn't heard the news of an Akuma attack yet or he would have called. Ladybug laid in the alleyway, propping herself up on a wall. It was only a matter of minutes before she was gone and she wasn't going to call for help, they wouldn't get there in time. She opened her yo-yo and pressed the contact that read "Adrien Agreste", listening as the phone rang, once, twice,
"C'mon you dumb cat, pick up!" She said through her teeth, holding in the pain.
"Hello?" Adrien said through the other side of the phone.
"Hey Charming," She said with fake excitement. She wasn't going to worry him, but she couldn't just leave him without saying goodbye first.
"Hey princess, what's up?" He said delightfully.
"Oh, nothing just..." Ladybug inhaled sharply. "Just sitting at home, missing you a lot,"
"Is everything ok Mari? You sound like you're in a lot of pain," He asked.
"No, I'm just babysitting Manon and she tugged on my arm a bit too hard," She giggled, covering up the pain. It then hit her that she wouldn't be able to see him again. Tears poured down her face as she sobbed.
"Marinette! Why are you crying?"
"It's nothing, but I just wanted to tell you..." She paused, shaking as she held her yo-yo to her ear. "I wanted to tell you that I love you, and I will always be there even when I'm not, okay?"
"Marinette you're starting to scare me," He let out a nervous laugh. "Since you're not telling me what's wrong, I'm calling Alya,"
"No! Just stay with me, okay?"
"I just want to hear your voice right now, so just keep talking," She started to sob, listening to him talk. As she felt her eyes get heavier, she cut him off abruptly. "Adrien, I love you, I will always love you and when you get back I will be here, just not in the way you think," She accepted her fate.
"Marinette, you're really starting to scare me, It's not funny," She could hear the tremble in his voice.
"I will always be there for you," She ignored his comment. "I love you, Adrien," She covered her mouth from sobbing loudly, worrying him more.
"I love you too Marinette,"
"Goodbye..." She hung up the phone before he could answer, letting death engulf her.

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