When They Meet You For The First Time

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Oliver (Oli):
You're a model so you go to the gym pretty often, you were filiming a tiktok about it and while doing barebell back sqaut where you squat with weights on your shoulders and after you were done and going on to the next part of your workout, Oli decided to shoot his shoot and ask for your insta so of course you say yes because I mean who wouldn't?

Sebastian (Seb):
You worked at a boba shop and one day, a big group of handsome men decided to come to the store and order boba but this one guy caught your eye in particular, he noticed that you were staring at him and he smiled because he also thought you were cute, it was the end of the day and you were about to close up the shop but the boy came up to you and asked for your number because he thought that you were cute and of course you said yes but also found out his name is Sebatian.

there was this new cate cafe in town where you enter the store and cats would be absolutely everywhere, you went there to study since normally, people aren't there and also you love cats (If you're allergic, pretend your not) but you picked the wrong day to go there when a group of boys came in, you were staring at a cat behind one of the boys but you made eye contact with one of them accidentally so you quickly looked away and blushed due to the embarassment, as you were packing up your stuff, one of the cats decided to run over your pencil case and that caused all your pencils to go on the floor, you mentally cursed at the cats and started to pick up your pencils when the boy you made eye contact with came and help you, after that he asked if he could have your number so you said yes.

You and your bestie went to the gaming store to get a new game for you PC, your friend notice that a boy was staring at you while you were picking a zombie game since you're really interested in that kind of stuff, your friend told you a guy is looking at you beside you so doing what most people do when you asked them to not look behind/beside them, you looked beside you and almost immediately made eye contact with a boy, he was extremely cute but extremely hot at the same time, you looked away due to embarassment, you and your friend walked out of the store when someone tapped on your shoulder, you turned around and relized it was the guy in the store, he asked for your insta because he thought you were cute and you said yes while your friend was mentally screaming.

You were a hair stylist and one of your coworkers were busy so you had to fill in for his common customer, you looked at the seat and the guy sitting there on his phone looking mighty fine, you introduced yourself while trying to not studder due to the eye contact ya'll were making, he wanted to dye his hair blonde and while dying his hair, ya'll got to know each other more and finding more interest too, when the blonde started to show, you thought you were about to pass out due to how hot this guy is, and at the counter where he payed, he asked for your number and you said yes.

You went to do your usual run in the afternoon and saw a group of boys who are usually there at the basketball court, you went to the water fountin that happens to be right next to the basketball court and when you were drinking the water from the water fountain, a ball suddenly came and hit you in the back, a guy came to get the ball while apologizing and you said "It's alright, It was an accident!" but as you were leaving, he asked for your number so ya'll can talk, you said sure and gave him your number

You are a cosplay tiktoker and saw that in one of your tiktoks, people where commenting "Oh so this is the girl Kane likes!" and etc so you being the curious girl you are, you went to his account that your followers tagged and decided to go into his insta to pop in and say hey, he said hi back in a few hours and that is when ya'll began to talk more

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