When you nuzzle into them

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Scenario: you've been busy doing working/studying/etc, you missed them so you finally get to see them after what felt like forever

Oliver (Oli):
Right when you first came to him, he could just tell that you were not in any sort of good mood
You sat on his lap while he was doing music by his desk
"Princess, what wrong hm? You can tell me" he said as he rubbed your back and pet your hair
You nuzzle your nose into his neck, not wanting to talk about it
Oliver LOVES whenever you do that to him, makes him get butterflies and feel loved
He took that as a sign that you didn't wanna talk but just wanted his comfort so he turned on your playlist and just sat their comforting you, spinning left and right on his chair when petting your hair

( you wish that was you huh?)

Sebastian (Seb):
"Hey bab-" he got cut off by you putting yourself on top of him, your boss gave you a shit ton of work so you had to do some extra time and you just wanted to be in your boyfriend's arms
"What's wrong? Did you have a rough day?" He asked which you hummed in response then nuzzled your head into his chest just wanting to get closer to him
He thought his heart was gonna come out of his chest, he got shit ton of butterflies
While he mentally calmed himself down, you kept nuzzling your head into his chest basically signaling him that you just want comfort
So he quickly turned off the lights, took off your jacket and put you back on top of him just humming a song

You came home from studying ALL WEEK at the library and you just wanna be with your boyfriend so you went into his room but found out that he wasn't there which made you whine
After you took a hot and steamy shower, you walked into the kitchen to find all the boys there, filming a video but good thing they were just about to do their outtro
Your boyfriend however saw how tired you were and got sad because you were originally happy and cheerful
They ended the video and you were peeling some oranges because you barely ate the whole week when you felt familiar arms wrap around your waist and realized it was just Justin due to his cologne, he went on your side and gently pushed you into his room but not without saying goodnight the the members
As soon as he closed the door, you put your arms around his waist and hugged him while nuzzling into his chest, breathing in his scent
Justin thought he was about to fall on his knees real quick, well because first, he hated to see you like this and also because his heart just combusted
He never gotten this type of feeling
He turned off the lights and lead you to his bed where y'all were cuddle and enjoy each other's presences

You walked into your boyfriend's room, hoping that he wasn't on his computer but I guess god doesn't like you today and you actually did find him playing a game which caused you to quietly whine
You took off your jacket you were wearing and changed into some comfy clothes before going up to your boyfriend while he was taking a water break and sat on his lap with your legs around his waist and back facing the computer
You inhaled his cologne which usually makes you feel calm, "You didn't have a good day didn't you?" Ryan whispered into your ear
You nodded then nuzzled your neck into the crook of his neck which made his heart goes AIAASNVSJAGSJSHSJSVWJAGAJS
Just like Justin, he never had this feeling before but he loved it, he chuckled softly then asked "Do you wanna cuddle?"
You shook your head and just said "No you can continue on with your game but I'm just gonna stay her" which Ryan replied with ok then put on your playlist and continued with his game for a little bit

You walked into your boyfriend's room to find his laying shirtless on the bed with his phone in his hand, he realized you were here and smiled at you which tiredly smile back
He then realized you are not in the mood so while you were taking a shower, he put on his playlist and basically got prepared for when you got back
After your shower, you walked in the room and face-planted first on regie's hard ass chest which made him chuckle
Once you were laying on top of him, he asked "Guess you had a stressful day baby?" Which you replied with a nod then you nuzzled your head into his chest
He thought he was in heaven when you did that, he felt so loved and he always wants you to do it every time y'all hug
He started to hug you around your waist and pet your hair while tapping his finger to the beat of the song

You walked into the house and found your boyfriend cuddling with his friends, you rolled your eyes because you've been dying for his attention since you've been busy with school but he decided to cuddle with his friends instead of you
You went upstairs into his room and waited patiently for him to come but you decided to text him to come upstairs into his room so he did
"Hey babe what's u-" he got cut off by you hugging him and inhaling his scent, "Did you have a bad day?" He asked which you nodded in response then nuzzled your nose into his neck
THIS MAN HAS BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT, his heart started to beat like crazy and he started to turn red
He chuckled at your actions and lead you to his bed where y'all cuddle for the rest of the night

Your boss has been making you work non-stop and has been giving you papers upon papers so you've been in Kane's room all week but you decided to take a break when Kane came in the room.
"You finished dear?" Kane asked which you nodded in reply while rubbing your eyes, you motioned Kane to come closer to you while you stand up.
Kane came closer to you and when he came close enough, you wrapped your arms around his neck and that made Kane hug you back around your waist and picked you up a little.
Your body relaxed in his touch so you wrapped your legs around his waist, that made Kane walk over to the bed and laid down on his back.
You nuzzled your head into his neck and that made this man the biggest simp in the house, this made him fall more in love with you.
He chuckled at your actions and pulled you closer so there was absolutely no space in between y'all

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