When a guy hits on you

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Scenario: You were out in the mall with the boys and guys starts to hit on you

Credits to xxmarsbarsxx_

Oliver (Oli):
I were checking out some clothes for the boys since I'm their ✨mother✨ when the cashier started to hit on me.
"So who are all these clothes for?" The cashier asked while staring at me after scanning them, "oh it's theirs!" I exclaimed as I was pointing to them, then the cashier started to make this extremely uncomfortable like asking me if I have a boyfriend, if I'm looking for one, etc.
I texted Oli that this guy is hitting on me and I need to be saved so he did just that, "Hey babe, are you done!!" Oliver asked while giving me a kiss on my head.
"Yea babe I'm done!!" I said so we can quickly leave but when the cashier handed me my receipt, there was some writing on the back that I didn't notice but Oliver did, "Hey man, what's this?" He asked as he pointed to the receipt with his number on it.
"Can't you tell I already have a boyfriend?!?" I asked as I showed him me and Oliver holding hands, "Dumbass motherfucker" I whispered under my breathe as I left with me and the boys's clothes while Oliver was deadass staring at the boy.
"Oli you know I only love you right?" I said because I could just tell he was jealous, he nodded which made me smile then gave him a kiss on him cheek.

Sebastian (Seb):
You decided to join the boys's trip to the basketball court, to film for their new video and you were chilling by the stands just laughing at the boys when all of a sudden, a ball comes rolling towards you which made you pick it up (like what a normal person would do) and begin to look around for someone.
A guy in his like mid to early 20s came up and said "Hey that's mine!" He said so I threw it to him, "thanks cutie" he said as he winked at me which legit made me mentally gag but decided to play nice and say "Thank you!". "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked as he moved closer to me which made me awkward laugh and put your fingers on his chest to move him back, "Yea I do, he's on the court!" I said while smiling nicely.
The guy just kept bothering you just asking for your number, etc and SEBASTIAN DIDNT KNOW THAT IT WAS HAPPENING EVEN THOUGH THAT MAN IS A FEW GODDAM FEET AWAY FROM YOU, until the boys came together and they ALL pointed towards me and the guy with him just trynna get closer to me. This man was MAD and I mean mad, he came up and grabbed your arm that was closest to him and yanked you towards him "Who's this" he asked while death staring at the guy.
"This your boyfriend?" The guy ask as he pointed at him and looked at him up and down, "Yea and what about it?" I asked and the man just laughed and walked away but Seb stopped him and said "if a girl says she has a boyfriend then leave her alone!". "Whatever man" the guy said while laughing then walking away, "Dang man, I didn't know Seb could be this feisty" Ryan said which made me laugh while silently comforting Seb as he bends down to rest his head on my shoulder and my hand going through his hair.

You and Justin decided to go and get some fast food but of course you also have to get the boys food too.
you were driving since it was your car and Justin's hand on your thigh which the other was on his phone.
You went to McDonalds and when you went up to the window, the guy started to ask if you're single, your number and other.
Apparently he doesn't notice Justin in the passenger seat somehow, this obviously made Justin mad but he decided not to say anything, you went up to another window to get the food.
I think he told his friend about me because the person that was in charge of giving us our food said to me "yea my friend thinks you're cute and he was wondering about your snap?".
This made Justin just snap and said "I'm her boyfriend! Tell that friend of yours to get some glasses if he can't see my hand on her thigh" then went back to his phone.
His friend apologizes for him since there was a long line, y'all got the food and Justin started to give you the silent treatment on the way home but when y'all got back home, you locked the doors to talk to him.
He looked at you and was about to say something when you lightly peck your lips onto his, once you pulled back you said "I know you're jealous babe!" While petting his hair.
He looked down embarrassed but you just laughed and kissed his cheek before unlocking the doors and running inside to bring the boys food.

Of course me and Ryan would be playing Call of Duty, we were waiting for other team members and the other members on our team was surprised to have a girl on there team.
One of the boys decided to you know say shit like "Do you want me to teach you how to shoot?",
"I've always wanted a gamer girlfriend!" Or "Hey, gimme your snap?" And shit like that.
"Hey bro, she legit said she didn't wanna date you, accept and move on" Ryan said due to anger that the guy won't leave you alone, I was staring at Ryan beside me because I could just tell he was jealous by how his tongue was pressed inside of his cheek and how his eyes rolled whenever he hears the guy's voice.
"Ohhh someone is jealous that I might get her" the guy laughed off with some of the other teammates, "Bruh I'm legit her boyfriend dude stop playing" Ryan replied back, "Well then I'm about to steal your girl!!" The guy said while "dying" of laughter but that until, Ryan shooted him dead.
"AYY YO BRO, I WAS ON A WINNING STREAK!! WHAT WAS THAT?!?!" The guy yelled as everyone started to laugh at Ryan's actions, Me and Ryan got off the game. I got up out of my seat and went over to angry Ryan, I went up behind him and started to play with his hair knowing it'll calm him down,
"It's ok Ry, I'm still in love with you!" I confessed to make him calm.
That made Ryan chuckle then turned his chair around, "I know love" he said while giving his smile.

I were at the tattoo place, wanting to get a couple of tattoos with Regie for being my emotional support. The guy at the register was eyeing you down when legit all you were wearing is a crop-top, ripped light blue jeans and a white jacket so it was like a simple outfit.
Regie spotted the guy eyeing you down which would of course made him upset but decided not to make a scene, I were in the back while holding Regie's hand for some comfort and talking to the camera for my vlog.
After you were done with your tattoos, the guy was like "So you single?" Which Regie replied while death staring the guy "Yea, I'm her boyfriend", "oh sorry" the guy said then went in the back and obviously feels intimidated by Regie.
I laughed it off because I knew that he was jealous by how clingy he was afterwards, he made sure any boys wouldn't talk to me, would cling himself on my back and etc. "Baby you don't have to be jealous!" I told Regie as I faced him with his face in my hands, "I'm not jealous, I'm not making sure no one makes you uncomfortable!" He said with a sweet smile which made me laugh then turn back around so that he can cling onto me and would probably be like that for the rest of the day.

Me and Darren were getting Boba tea when a guy started to harass me because he could see my bra strap which was "distracting" and "slutish", I was wearing a white long sleeve crop that basically covered my whole stomach and brown pants.
"Hey bro tell your girl to cover up before someone does something to her!" A guy warned Darren which obviously made him pissed but he chose to ignore it, we came in the Boba store with the guy still following us and shouting.
I told the cashier what was happening which she rolled her eyes about due to his "reason" for shouting at us, she called the manager and tried to get me and Darren's order.
The manager came up to us with his hand on my back and saying "I'm sorry about guy and I hope you have a good rest of the day!" Then walked into the back but what I didn't know is that, that move made a Darren jealous. He was extremely clingy for the rest of the day so I said to him "Darren love, why are you jealous?!?" Which made the jealous guy reply with "Pshh I'm not jealous, I just wanna hold you" then continue to cling onto me.

Me and the boys were at the Anime Convention due to legit all of us loving anime and I was sitting on a couch with the boys near by because I was tired from the boys mainly Kane dragging me around the place. A dude came up to me, started to make small chat with me and I don't mind it because I thought he was just being nice but jealous Kane over there mind it a lot.
But then he started to ask some of the weirdest questions like "oh do you go to college?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" "Do you like men?" "Have you ever dated a guy who loves anime?" And other things like that.
"Ohh yea my boyfriend over there loves anime!" I exclaimed which made the guy's face turn into a sad one which is why I started to mentally process what he was doing and before either of us could speak,
Kane came up behind me saying "Oh hey babe me and the boys are about to go upstair- who is this?" I replied with "Oh yea, he's a friend!" Then let but not without saying goodbye to the guy.
When me and Kane were walking up the stairs, I noticed the tight grip he had while holding me hand so that made me realize he was jealous due to how stiff he was. "Baby, why are you jealous??" I asked with a smile on my face while turning to bum, he just looked away from my face before making eye contact with me and saying "That guy was hitting on you, of course I'll be jealous!".
"You don't need to be jealous and you know why?? Because l only love you" I admitted which made him turn red

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