Insecurities they love

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Scenario: The insecurities they love or adore
P.S I sadly have most of these so I am gonna do it based on my experiences and others

Oliver (Oli): Belly fat (Having some extra fat on your body)
He would absolutly love it
He would try to feed you some healthy food if you started to make yourself hungry
He would make sure you eat 3 times a day, drink plenty of water, etc
He would also wanna come with you when you go to the gym, to make sure you don't over do it
"Princess, you are beautiful just the way you are and that is what I love about you!", "Babe I don't care about your belly and to be honest, I think your belly is so adorable!"
Would want you to come to him when you feel low about yourself

Sebastian (Seb): Stretch marks (lines on your body when you growed quickly and/or weight gain)
He is those types of people who would start calling you his little tiger and rawr at you (only if you don't mind him doing it, but if you do, he would respect that and will stop)
He traces them with his finger when ya'll are cuddling
He just thinks that how your body was made and he doesn't find anything wrong with it, to him it just shows that you are growing
Would love it when you wear crop tops around the house, or atleast around him
"Bub I think your marks are beautiful!", "Y/n I love your strech marks though!"
Hypes up up when you wear shorts or crop tops

Justin: Loud voice (Where you are insecure because of your natural loud voice)
When you get too loud for him aka when you get so loud that it causes you guys attention in public, he would get your attention and move his hands up and down signaling to quiet it down a little
He would get extremely embarass when you get so excited, your voice gets louder without you even realizing
But does understand that you can't help it and that it is just genetics
He would just get use to it so it doesn't bother him that much if you dated for a few months
"Sunshine, yes you might do get a little too loud but legit all I have to do is to give you a signal and you calm down, it doesn't bother me that much too", "Babe it is called genetics, you can't change the way your voice is"
Always comforts you and stand up for you whenever peoples rudely tell you to shut up
ANOTHER ONE that would hype you when you get confident

Ryan: Having lisp (hard to pronounce one or more consonant sounds and/or difficulty pronouncing)
He would love it so much
He loves just listening to you talking because he just thinks your lisp is so cute and calming
He hates whenever people make fun of it or when they judge you and he would of course stands up for you
"Precious, your lisp is adorable and nothing or no one will change my mind", "Love it is completely normal, and it's also genetics too"
Loves when you get confident and talk as much as you want
He would absolutely hate watching you breakdown just because you want to change your voice

Regie: Being a "stick" (Extremely skinny, where dumbasses say you have "no ass" or "no boobs)
He wouldn't care about you being "a stick" in the first place
He dated you because of your personality, wouldn't notice how skinny you were until you metion it
Would reply to comments about your weight where they say you have "no ass" or "no boobs"
Doesn't know why people are so on to you about "not having a ass or boobs"
And would company you at the gym
"Baby I don't care if you have a ass or not, I love you for you and if people don't see that then shit, they are missing out", "Don't listen to them ok, they don't have a bigger ass than you"
WOULD HYPE YOU THE FUCK UP when you wear a shirt that is centerless?? or shorts

Darren: Thick thighs (Where your thigh are thick lol)
He is legit so in love with your thighs
He loves just laying on them when he is tired or when he wants attention while you're busy
"Sweetie, I don't know what made you insecure but I am in legit love with your thighs", "Your thighs are amazing though, your thighs make you look even sExIEr"
Wouldn't understand why you're insecure but get how you are (If that kinda makes sense)
Love it when you feel confident enough to wear shorts and would hype you up

Kane: Figure (Having hips or no hips, having a wide rib cage or not)
He is exactly like regie, wouldn't even notice till you said something about it
Wouldn't understand why you're so worried about it but then gets it because he has insecurities to
Would legit beat the fuck out of anyone who would make a comment about your body and he wouldn't mind going to jail for a bit, "mURdeR 0n mY mInD"
"Your body is beautiful darling, what are you talking about?", "Dear, I have never cared about what your body looked like, I'm dating you because I'm in love with you" (cRiNgE, what kind of drama is this??)
Another one that would love when you get confident

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