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The sun was rising, when Naya and the Soldiers reached the courtyard. Sunbeams fell on the morning mist and the young woman was fascinated from the seemingly untouched nature.She had never touched a plant since she left her homeplanet.

She always had a special bond to the nature. All her people loved, respected and honored what the planet gave them. Trantor was the complete opposite and it broke Nayas heart every day.

The desire to touch one of the plants was unbearable. But she held back. Don't do anything, that could cause trouble.

They passed the Secuirty and entered the huge halls of the Palace. Nayas Eyes widened at the impressive constructions and she wondered how long it took to build all this.

How many people have died while building it?

She quickly shook off the dark thoughts and focused on the present. Her heart began to beat faster again as they approached the throne room. She had often seen the emperor as an hologram but seeing him in reality was something else. Being exposed to his piercing gaze scared her.

What if she said something wrong? Would he execute her? What if she made a mistake? There were so many things that could go wrong. The doors opened with a great vigour and now there was no going back – well actually, there had never been such a thing anyway.

"Tripple blessings, Empire." She bowed her head and looked carefully up again. The first thing she realized was, how intimdating Brother Day was. She always had thought, that he was quite handsome and seeing him in reality only underscored this thought.

"So you're the Analyst Mr. Birma sended?" Brother Dusk said with a mockery voice and a raised eyebrow, while looking at her. "Yes, Emperor." Respectfully, she lowered her gaze again and focused on looking as calm as possible. "So what is your name, Professor?" Asked the man in the middle, Brother Day.

They ordered her to the Palace and didn't even know her name?

Naya sighed softly before she began to speak: "I'm Professor Nayea Asaaki. I studied at the Steerling University where I was the best in my Year. Since then I worked at the Steerling University and Doktor Birma was something like a mentor to me." She paused and looked at the three clones in front of her. „Are you from Trantor? You don't look like you are." Brother Dawn, the youngest, watched her curious.

Naya wanted to rip his head off, for this question.

"My home is Trantor, where I came from, doesn't matter." With a forced smile on her face, Naya tried to cover her worries and noticed how Brother Day frowned.

Stupid Boy, she cursed in her thoughts.

"If you allow, Emperor, I would like to start with my work." Naya bowed a little. "Yes, I will follow soon." Thankfully the young Woman nodded with her head. "Tripple blessings, Empire." She said, before leaving the hall.

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