Nothing between Us

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Third Person P.O.V

It's been two years since bright encountered win. Two years of fighting the loneliness that keeping him a wake every night and today is no different from them.

"I'm going to my boyfriend house, sorry I'm in a hurry bye bright" 

Those lines kept on repeating on his head, ever since that day  and it makes him wonder why.

"You didn't even sleep again?"  Sky said to bright the moment he seat besides him. They are in the bench of the park waiting for their other friends who usually show up 30 minutes late.

"I tried to it just something bothering me " Bright mumble as he close his eyes. 

"You know what bright I think you still have trauma from the past event?" Sky said as he looked at bright who kept closed his eyes.

Looking back Bright might say those two years is like a torture to him, He doesn't even know what worst is.

Is it the reality that win only live in his imagination or that the win in reality is already in relationship, Bright wish that this is all just part of his imagination because those memories seems true to him.

"Bright!?" Gun called out Bright name for nth time the latter open his eyes as he stand up and walk beside his friends.

"Don't you find it weird?"  Bright suddenly mumble as they enter to mall

"What do you mean?"

"What is it?"

Sky and Gun said in chorus.

"Why are we here in Paris? We are supposed preparing for our college entrance exam right?"  Bright asked them but the two just shrugged as if they don't even know.

"Come on Bright we will come back in Thailand next week so let's not think about it now " Gun said, bright just nod at him.

After the boys night out they return to their respective home. Bright is currently staying at the house that his parent buy for him to stayed when he is in Paris while the Gun and Sky is currently in the hotel. They said they don't want to bother Bright too much.

Bright open his drawer as he pulled out the note book he kept for ages now.

"I don't remember I write something like this"  Bright kept  turning the page until a certain page catches his attention.

The paper isn't in a good shape, It was full of stain and some of them can't read at all. The only word that bright can fully understand the "I'm Sorry" part of the letter but he doesn't know where it come from why he saying sorry? and to who?

Bright find it creepy and weird so he closed the book and tried to sleep again.

"Sky, Let's go back in Thailand tomorrow" Bright call sky only to say it.

Bright don't find any necessary mean to stay in Paris for this long. It only making him anxious for nothing.

As the morning came bright and his friends decided to take the first flight for them to be in Thailand as soon as possible.

"why so sudden you want to go back in Thai?" Gun curiously ask bright who lost in his own thought.

Gun poke bright side and he successfully caught his attention.

"What now?" Bright said

"What are you thinking bright? Do you still think of that win?" Sky added

"No, Why would I think of someone who has already a boyfriend? and it was two years ago?" Bright says as he look at them confuse

"I mean last time you just thinking of him and it makes you stay up all night" Gun said as he munch his food.

"It just that for a moment and I already moved on, Actually I don't even need to move on because there was nothing between us right?" Bright eyes were cold.

"Woah what happened to you in the past 24 hours?" Sky teased him

"Nothing happened it only a crush anyway and I think this is just a part of my vulnerable past"  Bright said as he look back in the window.

The Truth Untold ( OSL BOOK 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin