The Summer Sun Lily

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In the summer sun lily
A lady so silly
Dances round and 'bout her way.

For the birds are singing
Her freedom is ringing
On this prefect and jubilant day.

A man so shy
He stood nearby
Searching for the prefect flower bloom.

Comes on down
Away from town,
His face a dreary gloom.

Spot him does she do.
No breath until she's blue.
Perfect is the man she sees before her.

Have him, she must.
But worthy is her trust?
Emotions gone crazy in a blur.

But because of her bliss,
She did not go amiss
From the deep blue eyes of man.

Wonder did he hold
For the girl so bold
His feelings stirred in a pan.

Marvel they do
At the color and hue
Of their glorious shining eyes.

And wink they not
With their passion so hot
So wish they not say goodbye.

One step nearer.
Should he fear her?
This beautiful simple girl?

But watch he does
For love once was
Begins to start a whirl.

Speak she wants
For words she hunts,
But silence fills the air.

Her breath she caught
His eyes she sought
For any love to be there.

For it started to grow
And he loved her so
The more he watched her face.

He held her hand.
Softest in the land.
She smiled with all pure grace.

On toes to be tall,
To not be so small,
She gave a passionate kiss.

Only once more
Would she take the floor
At her wedding, she'd give him such bliss.

So in the lilies
They will be such sillies.
Their hands together every morn.

Such happiness they gave.
All the love they saved,
For soon a baby to be born.

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