You're Not Alone

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It's not every day that people come

When they are seeking the wisdom of some.

You never even know they're there.

But the truth is they're everywhere.

They go through struggles and blame themselves.

It's been this way since they were twelve.

You cause this misery among them too.

Not even realizing the mistake you do.

It shatters their heart and ruins their lives.

Never will they grow up with husbands and wives.

And they don't even realize how many are there.

They just look at the world and ask where?

Where do I belong? Where do I go?

It seems like no one is there that even knows.

But let me tell you, you are wrong

For this is right where you belong.

Look around and open your eyes.

Look past the people. Look past the lies.

We all are in the same town as you.

We all share the pain with a softened hue.

And we too don't see the people around.

For the wall is what becomes our bounds.

Please grab your friend and grab your phone

And share the word, "you're not alone!"

Smile! Be happy, for this is true.

You have me and I have you.

Who cares what the world says to me or you.

It's what we think. That is true.

We are ourselves and no one different.

The world we make, a mighty indent.

Hug me brother and hug me sister

For we have survived with painful blisters.

We are mighty. We are strong.

Cross your fingers. It won't be long.

Sing to the world! Use this tone.

"We are the ones that are not alone!"

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