My Beloved Heart

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My beloved heart.

I miss you greatly already.

As the sun goes down

The pain goes up.

I yearn for these days to go quickly

Yet they've only began.

These days are not to be reckoned with

For I am unstable.

My punishment is severe.

For loving you came at a price,

But I will to love you more

So that someday we will embrace us.

I know you love me

For I can feel it.

Over the vastness of land...

I can still feel it.

I cry for you, and yearn to hear you.

Your sweet voice, a tender kiss to my wounds.

The heart of my soul is unlocked only to you

As it flows out and wraps you in my love.

But this pain I bear with your absence,

Curse those demons who summoned it.

Yet just knowing you care, that you're there.

It revives me and gives me strength to love.

Kiss me with your sweet lips

For you're always with me in my heart.

As I will always be with you

To comfort your soul.

Just when fear traps us.

Threatening to rip us apart.

But we will prevail

With hands interlocked and risen high.

Oh please! Do be mine forever

For I cannot imagine the death of loneliness

To die without you has no equal

Worse than bathing in salts.

The consequences I must insure now

Brings pain to us both

But trust my words as I do yours

For I love you.

Do not parish from my heart

For I will not live with no heart.

Love me with fire and ice.

Think of me always.

I love you greater than the hottest star.

Sparring with the strength of a black hole,

Sucking in your love and shooting mine back

So that you may take it in.

Remember me during great trials

For when you do

They will lessen and become easier

And we will love us more.

Stick with me to the end.

Never let go of my hand.

Let us be wrapped in each other

Because I'll always love you.

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