Why Do We Live in a World

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Why do we live in a world

Full of chaos and broken hearts.

Confusion and destruction.

Break my heart, toss it into a void.

A void.

Life is a void.

Lost in its blundering path

Through the wretched cataclysms we call home!

Galloping like a blind horse

Through fire-raining bullets!

Just to be struck in the knee

By your trusted best friend.


Left for dead.

Hopelessness settles in

As you crawl along the soot.

Your face stained black.

Lines appear on your face as grey tears fall.

But you just keep going.

Blood sputtering out of your rotten mouth.

And when you're finally able to attempt to stand,

Someone comes and kicks your knee in.

A gun in your face

And they steal the last thing you have...

So the flower wilts away

Blown across the ash barren land.

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