Spill, bitches

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The ride back home is silent, neither of them told me about their relationships, I'm a little hurt, we tell each other everything.

When we pull up in front of my house, Mercy grabs my hand and says  "we'll talk about this later, okay?" I nod my head. I open the car door and hear Zoe and mercy also opening their doors " are you guys coming too?" I ask "yeah, our parents are here " I hear Zoe respond.

 It's normal for our families to get together, but something feels off, I ignore the feeling and walk towards my front door and as I open the door I hear  "SUPRISE!" 

Before I can react, I see my mamma and papa running toward me. They embrace me in a warm hug, a hug I've missed dearly, "welcome home and congrats beta, we are very proud of you" my mamma says as she kisses my forehead "We missed you, Adi" my papa says. As I break from the embrace I see their eyes glassy "don't cry or I'll start crying "I say as tears fill my eyes.  

Behind my parents, I see Mr & Mrs. Colt and Mrs & Mrs. Evans. they are all standing around a table and as I get closer I see that there's a cake and "Congrats general!" written on it. "Guys this wasn't necessary," I say, Mrs. Colt tsks and says "It isn't every day that we have a female general in our midst", "And the first one too"Mr Colt adds. 

There are five main generals and under them, they have one vice general each( mine is Zoe for obvious reasons). They come together to strategize and plan.  They are each given one section which is under their jurisdiction, I have the capital and the north.  They each are in command of seven lieutenants and their battalion.  Females weren't allowed to fight until the Current Queen, Queen Meredith, fought for it and made it legal 30 years ago. She's amazing!  

We cut the cake, played a few rounds of  Pictionary, and then Mr &mrs Colt, Mrs&mrs Evans, and my parents all retire for the night. I drag Zoe & Mercy to my room, shut the door, and say " spill, bitches" Zoe sits on my bed and starts to explain "I Met him a few times when we would go with our old general to meetings,  and well we got in touch recently and hit it off, I swear I was gonna tell you!", "how serious is it?" mercy asks in a stern voice "just texting back and forth we both love music and we just have a connection" Zoe says blushing.

 " Okay," I say satisfied and now focusing on Mercy " what about you, Mercy?" I say mimicking the stern tone she used with Zoe. Mercy also sits on the bed and starts to explain  "Dorian asked me to help him with a hacker in one of their security protocols and I helped, he asked me to design a security software for the royal family's computer and well we spent time together and I asked him out, he said yes and we are girlfriend and boyfriend now"

I have no questions and I can't blame her for not telling me, we were at war we rarely had time to talk with each other. "So, slumber party?" I say jumping on the bed.

"Yes!" they laugh.


hello beautiful people, I hope you liked this chapter. 

Do you guys have any tips on learning a new language ?

 love, Tas.

The Fate Of Love ( The Fate Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now