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Caspian's POV

(Six weeks ago, right after the treaty was signed)

The war is over.

My people are safe, but too many have died, too many.

Dorian, my right-hand man and one of my best friends, comes to me with a file. "The General of the first force was killed, a new one was appointed by your father, as your advisor I suggest you read it." He says holding out the file. "Really, now I have another meeting in five minutes. Just tell me their name and their ranks." I say walking to the next meeting. "Adira Carnell, she was a lieutenant, a vice, and now she's general. She has various different medals including The Medal of Honor, she's been on the force for only five years and is twenty-five years of age." Wait did he say Medal of Honor at twenty-five? I stop and turn to him, "she's the reason why my Mother went to the first force and she's only been in the army for five years?" he sighs "yes, I-" "interesting, anyways we are getting late" I say cutting him off.

The meetings go in a blur, they are mostly with the ministers and lords of each district. Two weeks go by with meetings and late-night drinks with Dorian. We mostly talk about life, Tyron and how he could have died, and his new girlfriend (who he is head over heads in love with by the way).

As I enter my hotel room after a long day of meetings my phone rings. It's mum. "Good evening mother," I say into the phone. "Good evening Caspian, how were the meetings?" my mother says in her nurturing voice, which she only uses with people she actually likes "it was stressful and tiring, how are you?" I say with a smile on my face. "I'm good, I need you at the capital," she says, her voice getting a little stern at the end. "Is everything okay there? Is everything all right with father?" I say, worry lacing my voice. "I cannot explain on the phone, come home immediately," she says in a whisper. "I'll be there on the earliest fight back," I say, my voice now filled with worry, "All right Ian, take care," she says "I will, you guys take care," I say as I start to pack a small bag of necessities "love you Ian" a smile take over my lips "love you too mum".

Dorian manages to find a flight for 11 pm that night, and we reach the capital at 1 am, Dorian takes off to his place and it takes another 30 minutes for me to reach the castle, the castle sits near the sea on a cliff, I step into the silence, you could only hear the sea and the city.

The next morning I go to the dining hall and find my family there "Cas!" my sister, Celeste, exclaims, as she runs towards me and engulfs me in a hug. "When did you come back?" I raise my head to the voice of my brother, Andreas, he has a huge grin on his face and joins the hug. Okay. "That's enough my dear siblings," I say breaking free from the hug and head towards my mum. "Hello mother," I say as she enfolds me into her arms "Hello my darling son," she says, I look down at her and see that she has tears in her eyes, she quickly drops her hands and composes herself, I have rarely seen my mother cry and I doubt that Andreas and Celeste have ever seen her cry. Andre is two years younger and Celeste is seven years younger than me.

"Is everything all right mum? And where is dad?" I ask, noticing he isn't at the table, "No, Hugh is not well and he has been asking for you since yesterday night." She says her voice raspy, "where is he?" I say impatiently, "In their bedroom" I hear Andre say and I take off to their room.

When I reach I see dad on the bed, hooked up to machines, he looks so weak and frail yet he still has a small bench on which he has a stack of papers and is still working, my heart breaks a little, with whatever strength I have left I enter the room "Father" I say trying to sound strong, "ah, my son, come in sit beside me, Mere and I need to talk to you" he says with a weak, and mum setting his work aside.

A feeling of dread sets over me.

"What happened to you, you were well a month ago," I say sitting in front of him, "he had a stroke a few days ago and his- his legs," mum says, her voice breaking "are paralyzed" dad finishes. What? Before I can say anything dad says "I need you to take my position, I need you to be king". "What? Why?" I say panicking, "you were going to be king someday," mum says looking at me dead in my eyes, "your father wants to retire and this country needs you, he can't recover with the burden of the country on his shoulders, Ian," she says tiredly. "Can I think about it?" I say pleading, I know I must sound like a coward but I need to think, I need, I, need to process this information. "Yes, of course".

I go back to my room, they need me, need, they've never needed anything from me, dad had a stroke. Why didn't anyone tell me? Why? They want no, need me to be king, his legs are paralyzed, am I even ready for this? Am I even good enough for this kingdom? What if I fuck up? What if I do something bad? What if I disappoint them, my siblings, and my parents? What if I fail as a son, a brother, a friend, and a king? What if - No I need to be strong, my parents need me, they need me, need me, need.

I decide I will do this, I will, I can, can I? Yes, I can, I've been training and preparing for this my whole life.

I take a final look into my mirror and compose myself, I go to their room and say one word.



I may have cried a little while writing this and I'm sorry for the delay. I hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to vote!

Love, Tas.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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