
622 42 7

A/N: Hi Ghosts~

Bye Ghosts~

Updates will come... maybe 2-3 days again, 〒▽〒


The process of gathering this information was limited to a week. The five servants worked hard with little rest and moved inconspicuously while they do these tasks. 

Crown Prince Rainne who received their tasks in heaps was very surprised. All of the contents that they sent to him, it was... SO ACCURATE! The information about his Emperor Father getting entangled to getting Gers as tribute in the other lands, the court officials who were starting to build underground prisons and prostitute cells solely for Gers, the noblemen who were getting abused and morally wronged inside their households- These are all amazing!

Crown Prince Rainne did not jump in joy and also tested these five servants with his golden finger, they were all telling the truth, which means, they are really capable people! He was lucky!

Crown Prince Rainne finally revealed a relaxed smile before asking one question. 

"The five of you, where did you come from?" Crown Prince Rainne asked and Wu Xiao was the first to talk. 

"Originally we are a group of slaves that were trained in a common institute, and then an old master bought us together and taught us more skills. After a few years, the old master was old and his fortune is so little left, he decided to sell us to the palace with a recommendation before dying," Wu Xiao said and the five of them nodded. 

"Oh, What is the identity of that master?" 

"It is the First generation of Emperial Teachers of the Central Spring, Scholar Ling Keyi," Yi Xiao answered him this time. 

"Oh, so it was actually Emperor Father's Teacher," Crown Prince Rainne nodded his head in acknowledgment. 

Crown prince Rainne took the warm Mint Tea before taking a sip. When he finished a cup, he stood up and gave these five servants a new rank and money for backing. 

"To this day and forward, I will be working with you all. Try to take care of my affairs and keep me updated on new information, as for the safety on my behalf, worry not, I will send special guards to help you in trying times and I am also capable of saving my own life. Rest early and tomorrow, we will set off from the palace." Crown Prince Rainne said and let them retire. 

Being left inside his bedroom, Soul finally took the chance to look over the things that the servants got for him and if he was shock the first, he was even more surprised the second time. 

There were many people who were conspiring to denounce the Gers in the Central Spring. There activities were hidden from the public eyes, as such that they have noble status and the curiosity of these officials have taken the wrong turn. 

but the main question is, Who was the mastermind of all this? Could it be the person who was holding that globe that could do hypnosis? he needs to know more. 

That same night, Crown Prince Rainne did not rest and planned for a long time. When the sun has started to rise, everyone in the Crown Prince's palace were already busy to start the day. 

The five servants who was informed by the Eunuch of the Crown Prince last night was already outside his bedroom to attend to his needs. the Crown Prince called them inside and they file in one line before entering. 

They all took care of changing his clothing, helping him bath, doing his hair and preparing the things that he already listed from last night before going to out. 

"I will go first to the morning court so prepare my carriage and wait inside the courtyard, until I come back, do not be suspicious." Crown Prince Rainne said and went towards the Morning Court. 

The five servants send him off before they looked at each other. The Crown Prince was being cautious. From what Yi Xiao submitted to him yesterday, his courtyard was half full of spies sent by different court officials who were keeping an eye on his internal affairs. 

He cannot take them down or send them off easily, it may cause some disturbing waves and they might do more harm than just watch. 

Before the plague, their initial plan was to spy on the Crown Prince to cultivate their daughters to be a woman that will be able to get the eyes of the Crown Prince and soon, be the Empress of the nation! However, because the Crown Prince was always at war, it became useless. At the moment, because of the plague, some of the ministers daughters died and the population of the female in the Country of Spring is dwindling fast. 

Them trying to be not suspicious should be their priority so that it will not bring any harm towards the Crown Prince and his plans. 

At the Morning Court, Crown Prince Rainne still tried his best to snapped this old men out of the hypnosis but there's no avail. There's now three ministers who were using that globe that affects their minds. 

He identified the two ministers before playing the part of being hypnotized and reveal one of his "fake" plan. 

"Emperor Father! This Crown Prince wants to seek your approval to use one of the conquered lands from the Barbarians to be the main location for detaining Gers! Please accept this proposal!" 

The land of the barbarians, which was between the Central country of Spring and the Eastern Country of Spring,  and that is a good place to segregate the Gers that the Central Spring does not welcome at all. The Emperor however, was a bit reluctant about that plan, why? Because he received a Ger as a slave from one of the Minsiters from the left court, and when he had a taste, he was unwilling to part with it!

Because of his lust, he lets the ministers and nobles create that prostitute cell for Gers so that they can have a taste of that forbidden fruit.

He, The Emperor of the Central Spring, actually moved the minsters' dark thoughts to benefit his lust! How could there be such a person?!

"T-this," The Emperor hesitated to speak and looked deep in thought. He was contemplating with different thoughts in his head. First, he wanted his son to also have a taste of Ger and let him get addicted to it so that he would follow his will and support that project, but he is also man so he want his son to have a woman in his arms and bear a heir in the future. However if it was too late, will he leate his most beloved son face that kind of discrimination and defamation?! No way!

"Let us put that aside first, We should focus on finding you a Crown Princess first. Crown Prince what is your thoughts on this?" The Emperor asked and looked at the Crown Prince. Soul know what he was thinking and was adamant about his proposal to come first. 

"Father Emperor, do not brush off such a big disaster! Wasn't it the Emperor who was against the Gers populating in the Central Spring? That is why this crown prince wanted to push them outside of the Central Country! What if the Gers have something to do with the plague of that were killing the female population?! We must make haste!" The Crown Prince said with conviction that moved some of the ministers, however the Emperor was still reluctant to agree. 

"Emperor Father! Are you going to sit idly and wait till the plague hit our Imperial Household?! This Prince will not wait for the time that the plague may hit Empress Mother! Absolutely not! This Prince is sure, most ministers here also worries for their wives! We cannot take risks with such a big thing! Drive them away!" The Crown Prince words, his stance, and his angry voice resonated inside the hall and into the bodies of the people inside. 

That is right, They have loyal and caring wives who takes care of them, Their mothers, their daughters! If the Gers were really he root of the problem, then they must eliminate them out of the Central Country!

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