
491 41 11

A/N: Hi Ghosts~ q(≧▽≦q)

Enjoy the first clues of our male leads in this arc~

Byebye ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)


"Because Barbarians are unruly tribes, they are subjected to discrimination not only by that description alone but their crimes towards my country people. You tell me, how could you let someone so dirty and unprincipled move around your land and keep harming your people?" Crown Prince Rainne asked while looking at their faces. He can see that some of the leaders were shocked and felt that they were being stabbed from the back. 

"What? Do you think the majority of your tribes were as cultured and going to different parts of the Country of Spring in a civilized manner? AH! You must be dreaming! These barbarians near the Central Country of Spring are too barbaric, foolish, and thieves! What are you all trying to do, Suddenly uniting as one with those foolish bastards and thinking that My Central Country of Spring is annihilating your tribes and culture? Truly foolish!" Crown Prince Rainne shouted at them while frowning.

The dungeon was very silent, Crown Prince Rainne knows that he cannot persuade them in just a few weeks or even months, so he only stood up, and left without looking back. 

Outside the dungeon, Wu Xiao was outside waiting for him. Crown Prince Rainne nodded on his way and went directly to his tent to change his attire. Today is a hectic day since he went to this 'cleaning campaign' because he will be having visitors from the other three kingdoms: The East, the South, and the North, for the obvious reasons: Gers. 

'I'm glad that there will be envoys and with the direct relatives of those on the throne in these three kingdoms, I can discuss the plan of this camp at the same time look for a potential spouse that accepts Gers,' Crown Prince Rainne thought while he tightened the ribbon of his high ponytail before going out to meet the three envoys. 

Crown Prince Rainne's three servants were beside the three envoys and seemed to be helping in the instruction with the other servants and soldiers idle in the camp. Wu Xiao helped the envoys to go to the Crown Prince's tent to proceed to the discussion. 

"This servant is the personal servant of the Crown Prince of the Eastern City of Spring. This servant is called Lishuan. The Crown Prince wants this servant to observe and note down everything in the camp before coming back with the report. Further movement of the Eastern City of Spring will be done after this," The person garbed in traditional Changpao and his hair tied in a low braid. Crown Prince Rainne nodded his head and turn to look at the envoy from the South, 

"This Prince is called Xiang Guowei of the Southern City of Spring. This Prince's Emperor agreed to look into the camp and see if it will be beneficial to both Kingdoms to cooperate or not," The envoy who spoke was actually the crown prince of the South! Judging from the face and the wisdom from his eyes, Crown Prince Rainne could see that he was much older than him. They all looked at the last envoy and Crown Prince Rainne's eyes were fixated on the other person with a mix of awe and surprise. 

"This King is called Sigmund of the North, The issues with the Gers will be personally be seen by this King," King Sigmund said while looking at each one of them with his steady gaze. The King of the North has a great physique with pale skin and a robust body. Underneath the thicker robe that he was wearing, one can see how he was muscular. His hair was gray in color that looks like a mane of a lion. 

When all of the envoys introduced themselves, they all looked back in the direction of the Crown Prince of the Central City Spring. The young man in red robes straighten his back before he introduced himself to them. 

"This prince is the Crown Prince of the Central City of Spring called Rainne, I will directly go the point, support me to develop this camp into a secret settlement for the Gers until they were accepted in the Society. As you all know, The Central City of Spring were doing their best to drive away from the Gers because of being linked to the plague that was killing the Females in the Country of Spring. This is the reason why this Prince wants to create this encampment to be the protection and a place to live for the Gers. There are proposals from the first six Gers in the camp that could pique your interest and get your sponsorship," Crown Prince Rainne said with a decent smile towards them and have his other close servants guide them to the camp. 

After they left, Crown Prince Rainne sighed and massaged the back of his head. He cannot be at ease right now, this is a crucial time for the progress of the camp that will shelter the Gers from external factors and have them grow without worries. 

'I also need to go towards their countries to build connections and acquaintances that will be my potential spouses,' Crown Prince Rainne thought quietly before he stood up from his seat and have the kitchen to prepare a good amount of feast for the envoys before he went to the borders to overlook the battle between his men and the other barbarians who were still putting up a fight. 

When the commander saw the Crown Prince, he saluted first before giving him the report from the spies and the soldiers from the battlefield. 

"Greetings to Crown Prince, The report from our men summarized that there are only six large barbarian groups that were left, They are waiting for your next orders, Crown Prince," The Commander said and Crown Prince Rainne just nodded his head. 

"I see, I will be giving them a final notice and a note to inform them of the current situation of their leaders. We will be waiting for their final decisions this week, follow me," The Crown Prince said before turning around to go back to his tent. 

While walking, he crossed paths with the envoys and the five servants that were guiding them around the camp. They greeted each other before Crown Prince Rainne asked their opinion about the spine of the camp. 

"They all look very promising, however, it still depends on what the future will hold for this camp," Lianshuan said in a cautious manner and bow down to him, Crown Prince Rainne using his Golden Finger knew that this envoy got interested in one of the pioneer Gers and their work, so he let him have his pretext away. 

"Everything was so bare and the hypothesis of those Gers in herbal medicine pique my interests. Although this Prince cannot say I'm satisfied, the feat they created in a limited place have this Prince impressed, "Crown Prince Xiang Gouwei said with a smile and just staring at his eyes, one could see that he have some likeability to the camp. 

"What about the King of the North, Did you find something interesting in the small camp?" Crown Prince Rainne asked the person who was only silently assessing him on a distance as he spoke with the other envoys. 

"Mhm, it's fine," The King of the North only said a few words and looked away as if he was not interested. Crown Prince Rainne could only awkwardly smile before he let them go to the designated tent to have a meal and rest after. He took Wu Xiao and Si Xiao with him to prepare the letter that he will be giving to the Barbarians as a notice. 

"Wu Xiao, you tell this Prince, will the envoys invest and help establish this camp soon?" Crown Prince Rainne asked his servants while he was writing. Wu Xiao looked towards Si Xiao before answering the Crown Prince. 

"Crown Prince it is still early for them to be certain about the future of the camp and investing money. The Camp was bare and the activities of the Gers are not yet fruitful, we still have a long way to go," Wu Xiao said and Crown prince Rainne cannot help but sigh. 

"Yes, This Prince was a bit hasty... No matter, in the future, we will definitely produce a good result from the camp... We must," Crown Prince Rainne said before clenching his fist tight. 

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