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Emperor Sigmund stares back at the young Crown Prince of the Central Country of Spring. He can see the passion and conviction in the eyes of the young Prince, however, he's still a weakling and a cub wet behind the ears.

Does he want to extend a hand to this cub? Will it be worth it?

All these thoughts went through his mind fast while took a sip of his tea. His answer made the young Prince's expression falter. 

"I will consider it," The Emperor said and put the teacup down on the table. The silence entered the tent as the servants inside and the guards outside the tent were on edge because of the stillness of the place. 

"I-I see, well then, I will leave now and let you take a rest. Have a good evening, Your Highness," Prince Rainne said and stood up with a polite smile on his face. He and his close servant left the tent without any more words spoken. 

Since young, Emperor Sigmund has a very keen sense of others' emotions towards him, and from what he can deduce, the prince seemed to feel disappointed at his answer.

He thought for a while about his answer. It was a neutral one, his answer didn't reject nor accept his proposal, so why is the little prince feeling disappointed?

"Report to me what were the answers of the other guests about the Prince's proposal," Emperor Sigmund ordered his secret guards to tell him what happened throughout the entire day. 

"Emperor Sigmund, The envoy from the Eastern City of Spring agreed to give the suggestions to their Crown Prince. The Prince of the Southern City of Spring agreed and wanted to be involved more in the creation of the camp," The secret guards reported and bow down to the emperor. 

Emperor Sigmund frowned at this and looked down at his empty tea cup. It seems that out of all the three envoys, he's the only one who vaguely answered, thats why this little cub thought that he was denying the proposal? Is that it?

"I will retire for the night, keep a close eye on the people I ordered you to keep an eye on," Emperor Sigmund said and went to his bedroom.

On the other side of the camp, Crown Prince was lying down his bed with his mind still wide awake.

Soul was still processing a wide scale and at the same time, a long term project that could benefit the gers not only in the Central City of Spring but to the other kingdoms as well.

The location of the camp is very ideal, because the barbarian lands were in the middle of each kingdoms, expanding it towards these kingdoms specifically will garner more attention and help to produce a more civilized camp for the gers.

He summoned the golden scroll and read the highlighted missions he needs to do.

What he planned to the first mission was to make the Gers earn enough prestige and knowledge from the other kingdoms and when they marched back to the Central City of Spring, they will be the focus of envy and awe which will fall for the people accepting them.

He also needs to go to the Eastern City of Spring to meet and save the Villainess of this mission world, the Eastern City of Spring Princess.

"A clue about the Plague and a harem? How could I possibly start on those two? You know what, never mind, just finish the first two and let the other things run to its course," Soul thought while scratching his head before going to sleep.

When the sun was starting to rise, Crown Prince's five loyal servants could be seen on different parts of the camp. One in the plantation, one on the barracks, and the other two were inside the kitchen tent while one was helping the Crown Prince.

Soul System: Save the World's Villainess... HE'S A MALE?!!Where stories live. Discover now