Chapter 1: He's back again?

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It was just those regular days and Rayman was swinging around and running in the jungle, he was going to find his best buddy Globox but then he wouldn't know where he would be. With his kids and wife Uglette? Hanging out somewhere?? He didn't know. But hey that's okay.

A few years ago or so he also saved the world from danger again, so hopefully no trouble will come around the corner again. Not to mention a while ago he helped some guys from a circus escape and Grub, or whatever his name is, have the love of his life once and for all. So it's been quite a few great adventures so far.

But he also hadn't seen Murfy as much. The last he saw of him was his second time saving the world from It's claws. It was his job to be his instructor, he's probably got working in a rich giving business with many pretty ladies coming to it's usual parties. But that's just an assumption. Rayman wasn't sure where Murfy was, but he just hoped that he was living his life out good like everyone else.

He then heard some footsteps nearby, fast ones that is. And it sounded like it was coming towards him. He quickly turned around to where the noise was coming for and was ready to give a good whooping to whoever is about to fight him. But thank goodness it was just two teensies, one of them being held up for whatever reason.

"Rayman, Rayman!!" Was all they both shouted out, the one being held up by his legs waving at full speed too. Rayman just scratched his head confused. He then began running towards the two, wanting to know what was going on to get his attention. Is the world in danger again? Did someone need to talk to him?? If so who? Ly? Globox?? Even Murfy....?

"Hey again guys! What's up?" Rayman then asked the two kings as they three catched up to eachother. "Well" The teensie had gotten off of the other one as he putted his crown back on. "We three have been invited to this thing, racing, fighting, everything! They want you there immediately! They want us immediately!"

'Huh, how interesting....' Rayman said in his head. He then smiled. "Sure! We better get there though, gosh knows if we're late or not" The three began running elsewhere again, Rayman letting the blue majesties lead the way. "Of course we're not certainly late!" The second king responded, his first time speaking to Rayman today yep.

Rayman sure was pretty excited. Invited to this party game with those two! There'll definitely be more people there! He sure was excited, hopefully his best blue buddy will be there too. That would make it better, spending these game events with Globox. But also, would Murfy be there too....? He might be hosting it, or a co-host! He might see him there who knows!

Why was so excited about Murfy all of a sudden?? Sure it's been quite a while since he's seen the greenbottle fly but, it was like he was more then just this 'pretty good guidance guy' so....what? Rayman just shrugged off that thought, he probably just missed kinda him. Or maybe he missed Murfy a little too much.


The two teensies then led Rayman inside of this place, where a few guys where in. One another was chilling on the bench, well flying above it that is, probably reading a magazine or something, the other one taking a shower as it seems like they're just tidying themselves up and the other two teensies near the end of this room, building? They both were maybe chilling maybe?? Oh well.

"That's Tily" The first teensie with Rayman and the other one said, making Rayman look over to the one reading whatever it was. She just looked at the two and waved with a small smile, but then immediately went back to what she was doing. "Huh...." Was all Rayman said.

"That would be....well it's another Tily. We call her Rily. But let's not look at her for now" The other Teensie then says, the three then trying their hardest to ignore the girl shower as she seems to be doing.

"And then there's these other two!" The two kings said at the same time, the both pointing over to the other two teensies. As for Rayman, for whatever reason those two teensies sure did intimidate him. He just waved. "Hey" He smiled at the two, the kings doing the sort of same thing too. "Greetings Rayman" The first other Teensie said, then the other one going; "Welcome" Well at least they seem kind. Rayman letted out a sigh of relief.

But then, a noise interrupted him. That's when something, well someone, flew it. He knew it, he is here. "Hey there again everyone, morning folks, the first match will be starting around half eleven you better get your sleeves up and ready!" He spoken at somewhat full speed.

Murfy....he had contacts by what it seems like? One was black fully and the other one as well but it had this orange cross. What's that about? Did he want to make his eyes 'stand out' or something? Did someone put it on his eyes but he didn't care so much? Plus it didn't fit his both eyes fully either. Just almost.

Rayman just watched the fly do, whatever he was doing really. He went flew over to the girl near the door, still 'on' the bench. "Hey there Tily what's new?" Tily just ignored him, still reading. He just shrugged and flew over to Rily who was just getting dried in her dark blue lapis towel. She was covered of course, only her face and some parts of her legs just being shown.

She was sitting on the bench near the shower too. "Well looks like you're busy too" He sort of scoffed, he had a little of an attitude, Rayman tilted his head at that sentence. Murfy seemed a little different to him anyway. He then looked over to where Rayman is, and those four teensies and his toothy grin immediately widened.

He then flew over there, immediately shaking Rayman's hands. "Great pleasure seeing your face again Rayman!" He then said with his big toothy smile still, Rayman wasn't sure why but he felt a volt of somewhat anxiety go through his stomach as he felt his hands get touched. But he just shook them with the greenbottle fly. "Murfy! It's been a while" He then says. "Oh it sure has been Ray" He, Murfy I'm referring to, continued grinning as always.

He then looked over to the king teensies. "Hey there again fellas, thanks for the help again we can count on you two for sure" The kings then nodded at Murfy. "Of course Murfy, we wanted this to be better for everyone" The second teensie then responded. Murfy then looked over to those over teensies and frowned and nervously chuckled with a forced like smile. "Hey there again boys! How's erm....-"

Now those two other teensies seemed to turn their hands to fists, sort of growling at the flying male. That just made Murfy himself gulp and giggle nervously, but darn it that sounded....cute to Rayman....? He really liked that giggle, quite a ton lot. It was enough for him to turn him softly pink too.

"Now take you folks I'll be off now, take care and make sure to be ready for the games!" He then blurted out quite loudly, flying off quickly out of the door of course not closing it. Well then, that was Murfy that had now been seen by Rayman again after a few years.

"Huh....I was expecting Murfy to be here. And he sure is" Rayman then said, mainly to himself actually. "Oh yes he is, apparently he's going to get paid a bit more if he did this too so he took the deal. Though I'm not sure if it's mainly because of the money...." The first teensie then said, deep in thought now. The second one just shrugged after a bit of silence between those three. "Eh, well it may just be because of those 'oh the pretty ladies' coming over to watch"

Well Rayman didn't really care so much about the reason why Murfy is here, whenever it's because he wants his hands on more gold's and silver's or he wants his straight butt to get lucky with whatever beautiful women he comes across to. At least he's here and he can see him again now.

"Well, it's around eight right now. What should we do?" Rayman then asked the two kings who were both still with him. "Oh we can start practicing outside!" Rayman then followed after the two leading blue males outside of this building. Now this Arena of party games, well Globox is nowhere to be seen so far, where sure going to be quite fun...


•* Word Count? 1528 Words *•

*• Made and published on? 14/11/2021 •*

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