Chapter 40

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Friday 6:25 p.m., in the pastry shop

Fuutaro: Y / N open the door !!!!!

Y / N: I still haven't heard what I wanted

Fuutaro: Okay, I'll say it

Y / N and Miku: How are you going to say it?

Fuutaro: I admit you're smarter than me

"Y / N: No but who is this guy, he's from an other planet or what ?! Either that's it or he's trying to avoid the subject"

Y / N: So I accept with pleasure what you just said but it's absolutely not what I want to hear

Fuutaro: So what is it? Do you have an idea Miku?

Miku (redder than Itsuki's hair): C-How to say ...

Flashback in Miku's head

Y / N: It's not difficult, you catch it in a corner, you kiss it and above all you step back before it explodes

End of flashback

Fuutaro: Come on let us know

For her part, Miku took her courage in both hands and grabbed Fuutaro's arm to come towards her. Except that given Fuutaro's physical condition, he just lost his balance and then pushed Miku who herself dropped a stack of plates.

Fuutaro: Oh no it's not true !!!!!

Miku: D-Sorry!

Fuutaro: But why did you do that?

Miku: You had a spider on your arm

"Y / N: Seriously, a spider? That's really all you could find as an excuse"

Fuutaro therefore took a broom to pick up the pieces that were on the ground. Miku when she decided to help Fuutaro while continuing to think


Y / N: Good if plan A has trouble working, you have to switch to plan B

Miku (worried): And what is it?

Y / N: You'll look at him with loving eyes for several minutes without saying a single word

Miku: But what do I say next?

Y / N: You tell him everything you have on your heart

End of flashback

Miku and Fuutaro were therefore picking up the last pieces that remained on the ground when suddenly Miku put her hand on Fuutaro's.

Fuutaro: What's wrong?

Fuutaro: What's wrong?

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Miku: So in true ...

Fuutaro: If it's for the plates you don't have to worry I don't blame you at all

Ichika Nakano x Male reader x Nino NakanoWhere stories live. Discover now