Chapter 1: New Employees

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Your POV 

Me and Cheyenne were talking about baby names in the break room. "So yeah I was thinking maybe Harmonica if it was a girl" 

"Oh yeah, totally! It's so original. It's sounds so beautiful!" I reply, nodding along. I was about to ask what the name would be if the baby was a boy when Dina said, "Alright campers, listen up. I've got an important announcement. This is your garden variety generic decongestant. And this, is crystal m*th, okay?" And she went on about how you shouldn't sell them to people when I started to wonder why she had crystal m*th when Cheyenne piped up, saying, "That guy told me he had a really bad cold."

"He was buying 35 boxes, Cheyenne. That should've been a red flag, okay? Use your noggin'" Dina said, sounding slightly concerned. While Glenn was thanking Dina for that "helpful tip of the day", Garret the announcement guy said, "Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that she's walking around with a bag of crystal meth?" 

"I know, right? That shit's weird" I reply, also looking back at Garret. I basically tuned out from the announcement from Glenn when I heard from our floor supervisor Amy said, "They learnt that to us in public school." When Glenn said that there were two new "angels" as he said, with us today. "Why don't you introduce yourselves?" Glenn said in his muppet voice. I swear that it's too early for this at 8:00 am. 

The first new guy (Jonah) basically thought we were stupid. He had shown us his name tag like we couldn't hear him. To be honest with you, it was awkward as hell. The other person's name was too long to remember, so all I bothered to remember is Mateo, and that he was here to make something of himself and to, "see how far I could I could fly". Oh. We had one of those. Mateo seems cool though I thought to myself. "I, too would like to see how far I can fly." 

"Nailed it!" I yelled sarcastically. 

"I used to end these meetings with some wisdom, from the Good Book. But then someone reported to corporate." Mr. Muppet man said. 

Then Dina and Glenn continued to bicker on about how they were praying for each other. And they say that we can't discuss religion in the workplace. I then started discussing what Cheyenne's baby would look like while she braided Amy's hair. Then I just heard the Jurassic Park theme tune. "Oh yeah, that's my jam." Garret says, hi-fiving me. 

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