Chapter 5: The mannequin

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I walked into the store from the breezy summer air, and immediately I ran for the break room to clock in. Hey, I want to get the money as soon as I walk in the door. I don't understand why They didn't have it right when you walk in. It would help so much. Probably should've mentioned it to Stratus when they were here. Oh well, it's too late now, isn't it. I ran to the breakroom as fast as I could. I got to the corridor and grabbed my name tag. Wait, no. That's Mateo's. I put his back and grabbed mine. I slotted it through the machine. It was official. I was now getting paid to be here. 

I went to the clothing isle and started to sort out the shirts in the men's section by colour and size so I don't have people messing everything up to get to the bottom (A/N: it really pisses me off when people do that, and I haven't even had a job before) when I heard Amy and Garret talking to each other about something. Me being the curious little shit I was, I ran to see what they were talking about. "It's kinda unbelievable right?" Garret said, looking at the mannequin in confusion. 

"What is?" I asked, walking towards them. Then I saw it. "Oh." The mannequin. It looked exactly like Jonah. I haven't been in this section so long that I forgot that this was here. "I thought you looked familiar when you first started working here. At first I thought you were this weird dude in my middle school who wore his pants backwards like Kris Kross, but nah, you're him." I said, pointing at the mannequin. 

Jonah was quick to protest. "It's a mannequin of a Caucasian male. If that's what you see when you look at me, then maybe this is on you." 

"Nah, nah, nah, it's more than that. It's the eyes," Garret retaliated quickly, and Amy and I were agreeing with Garret easily. "The nose. And there's something about that expression. It just kinda makes you wanna..."

"Punch him in the face?" Amy suggested. 

"A little bit." I agreed. 

"Yeah I don't-  I'm not seeing any of that. I'm seeing- I mean, what? If anything, he looks like Tom Cruise, I guess?" Jonah tried to make light of the situation by calling himself handsome. He was failing miserably. 

"PAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH!" I screamed, falling to the floor. 

"You think you look like Tom Cruise?" Garret said incredulously.

While Jonah failed to save the situation, Amy said "Somebody has a healthy ego!"

"I guess I look like Denzel Washington!"

"Yeah, and I look like Salma Hayek" Amy replied 

"Uh huh, and I look like (actor that looks nothing like you)" I add in for extra hilarity. "C'mon Denzel and Salma, let's get back to work"

"Okay, (random actor)!" Amy said sarcastically.

"I meant that the mannequin looks like Tom Cruise!" Jonah yelled, trying to save himself again. 


"It'd feel weird giving my baby to a stranger, but I also don't know if I'm ready to be a mom." Cheyenne said, looking at the adoption leaflet. 

"I know the feeling. I was 19 when I had Emma, I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew I wanted her to have a better life than me." Amy said, putting lipsticks back in the case 

"Yeah. I mean, who knows, maybe my baby could grow up and be an assistant manager someday." Cheyenne said with stars in her eyes. 

"Yeah. Or, maybe they could dream even bigger than that." I said, getting her hopes up a little bit.

"Well, Glenn's the manager." She replied, looking a bit concerned.

"Yeah. Well, you don't have to make the decision anytime soon. And you know that you can talk to us anytime you want." I said, patting her on the back and walking towards the breakroom.

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