Chapter 3: The proposal

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"To Cheyenne!" Garret said, lifting up his drink. 

"Cheers!" We said after, lifting our drinks, too. 

"May your marriage be as sweet and colourful as this Cloud 9 brand caffeinated malt beverage, without the recall for killing college students." Garret said, while I looked at my drink with mild concern. "Thank you, on behalf of myself and Bo." Cheyenne said, looking back at Bo who was currently getting arrested. "Well, he did make it memorable" Amy said, looking back a Bo to. "I'll give him that." She added on, looking back towards Chey.

"I mean most guys don't even bother threatening to kill you when they propose." Jonah added to Amy's statement. "You realise that you weren't actually in any danger, right?" I say looking at Jonah and Dina. "Yeah I know, it was a fake robbery." Jonah said, sounding upset. 

"This is a high-velocity 440-grain lead flat-nose projectile with gas checks, and a boxer-primed brass jacket. If he'd come within 10 ft of you, you would have seen his head explode like a watermelon." She says, and then mimics an explosion. Me and Garret look at her, and then at each other. Why do I like her again? She then starts laughing and continues with "Clean up on isle-- I don't even know what isle it is, because his brains would be splattered all over the sign. HAHAHAHAAH" She screamed, laughing hysterically. Poor Jonah. He looked so concerned. 

"I wish we could wear jewellery at work, now" Cheyenne said, looking exited yet slightly disappointed. I could tell that Amy knew it was a fake when I said, "Oh, it's so..." I looked at her, and said. "Sparkly." looking back at Cheyenne. "I thought about what you said about not doing something that I might regret, but then, in the moment, under the stars, it just felt right." Cheyenne said looking back at Amy. "Without you I would have never said yes so thank you." She continued, running over to Jonah, hugging him and kissing him on the cheek. 

Then Cheyenne says she has to leave to bail out her fiance. And then Amy leaves. We all say goodbye and goodnight and I leave with her. Jonah then catches up with us and stops Amy. Me knowing that Jonah has a crush on Amy, I leave. I get into my car and I drive home.   

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