Chapter 4: Magazine profile

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Cheyenne was talking to Mateo, Amy and Jonah while Garret was on a phone call. I was scrolling on my phone when I saw that Glenn was struggling to be heard. I sighed. This man is hopeless. I slammed my hand on the table to get everyone to shut up. "Thank you, (Y/N). Okay. Today is a very exciting day because Stratus is doing a profile on our store." Glenn said, seeming very hyped. Mateo starts clapping. Must also be a corporate suck up.  I make a mental note of it and tune back in to the conversation. "What's Stratus?" Jonah asked and Mateo scoffed and started going on about the 'magazine'. "Magazine isn't the word I would go for" I said in reply. 

Amy joined in by saying, "It's more like misleading propaganda." and she took away Mateo's misleading propaganda. Then we started listing off quotes from it by saying, "Minimum wage is maximum fun!" and "Work it off: A guide to injuries on the job" while Glenn protested in the background. "Oh, there's a jingle writing contest! Bo could enter that. Then he could stop dancing for his mom's friends" Cheyenne said, slightly intrigued. Glenn then basically lists off stuff that people have to do, saying that Sal's creepiness needs to go down to a two, and that Cheyenne should act like she's not pregnant, making me frown. 

"Hey, if you see the reporter show up today, please let me know so I can hide. I do not want them to put me on the cover." Garret asked Jonah. 

"I'll come with you. I have nothing to do today anyway." I suggested. Jonah then laughs at our statements and says, "That's pretty cocky." 

"Oh, that's not ego. These corporate magazines love putting employees with disabilities on the cover. Just look at these." I say in defence of Garret, showing Jonah magazines from previous years. "And they're really gonna come after me, especially with Face Birthmark Tony on vacation." Garret said in disappointment.

Then Jonah says something about getting a black guy in a wheelchair on the cover or something, I tuned out after because I grabbed my computer to go watch Anime. I went to the clothes rack, hid in the clothes and clicked on Demon Slayer. After a while I got bored, so I decided to walk with Garret. Then we saw the photographer. "Hey!" I froze. I then booked it while Garret wheeled away.


Me and Garret we looking around the store, looking to avoid that photographer, when we bumped into him in the toy section. "Hi! Would you like to take a picture for Stratus Magazine? Does that sound fun?" He said, blocking our way to get through the isle. We couldn't be bothered to even answer him, so we turned around and left. "Hey! What are you two, deaf? Oh my God, they're both deaf!" I heard him say, then run after us. 

"Shit!" I whisper yelled, running faster than my ass had ever run before. I ran faster than I had in cross country when I was in High School, and I came first twice on my Cross Country runs in Senior year. When we rounded the corner, the photographer was there. His face looked like something straight out of a horror movie. 

Fucking HORRIFIED, I ran faster than I did earlier. I skidded into the Camping section and hid in one of the tents. I put my laptop on a darker setting and watched more Demon Slayer. I honestly thought I was safe. Keyword thought. The photographer had shown up, looking in the camping section. I was terrified to think that he would look in the tent I was hiding in. I paused Demon Slayer as soon I heard something unzipping. He was looking in the tents. Luckily for me, he was checking the one in front of me, so I took the chance, and my computer and ran into the toy isle. 


Me and Garret were talking to a customer in electronics, who was asking about what wireless headphones were best. I saw the photographer and flipped the birds on him, making all of the photos he took of us unusable. "I really like these ones. They have really good Bluetooth connection, and amazing sound quality!" I said, smiling at the man we were helping.

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